Saturday 3 August 2019

Squaring the Circle?

The meaning of "squaring the circle":
The [Great] pyramid's base is a square whose perimeter is equal to the circumference of a circle whose radius is the pyramid's height. Superimpose the square on the circle and you get not only an interesting but an extremely useful diagram consisting of the perimeter and the circumference of the circle it represents. source: Robert Hieronimus, Founding Fathers, Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians...  (p 144)

"Squaring the circle" is a fundamental "hidden truth" of masonry:
In fact, early alchemical texts from the 1500s flatly state that in order to attain the famed Philosopher's Stone of alchemy, you needed to "square the circle." This is also why Leonardo da Vinci depicts a square and a circle joined around a man in his Vitruvian Man drawing - with the square of earth centered on the genitals and the circle of the spirit centered on the belly button....Also, let us not forget - what is a square? It is an angle of 90 degrees, or the forth part of a circle. source: Timothy Hogan, The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual (p. 16)
Vitruvian Man  depicts one man behind another man:

da Vinci's Vitruvian Man
But there is a deeper sexual meaning within "squaring the circle".
Leonardo da Vinci was a homosexual and a practitioner of the black arts who was well acquainted with the dark illumination of Lucifer:
Unlike Michelangelo, who was known to be a homosexual, Leonardo has left no explicit indications about his sexuality....What we do know from his notebooks is that he didn't appear interested in sex; he was a lonely man who sublimated all his energies into his prodigious word, and he prioritized and valued the intellectual life above sensual concerns.

Author Sherwin Nuland, in Leonardo da Vinci, has discovered an incident in Leonardo's youth in which he was accused, along with three other youths, of sodomizing a male prostitute. The charges were dropped for lack of evidence. source: Nancy Marie De Flon & John Vidmar, 101 Questions and Answers on The Da Vinci Code and the Catholic Tradition (pps. 132,133)
"Didn't appear interested in sex" + accused of sodomizing a male prostitute usually = homosexual that is good at hiding his demons. da Vinci learned in his youth that lack of evidence was a very beneficial thing when it came to being accused of sodomy so do you really think he was going to be writing it down in his notebooks? Da Vinci's powerful patrons no doubt played no small part in covering up his vices.

The is conjecture to some, but to me it is simple exposure of the chief rite of Satanism: ritual sodomy - a square peg (obelisk) in a round hole.