Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Canonization Of Two Saints John: A Masonic Ritual

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis declared Popes John XXIII and John Paul II saints before some 800,000 people on Sunday in an unprecedented ceremony made even more historic by the presence of emeritus Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square. Never before have a reigning pope and a retired pope celebrated Mass together in public, much less at an event honoring two of their most famous predecessors. Benedict's presence was a reflection of the balancing act that Francis envisioned when he decided to canonize John and John Paul together, showing the unity of the Catholic Church by honoring popes beloved by conservatives and progressives alike. source
There is more than meets the eye going on with the double canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. Over the years many people have attempted to define the hierarchy of the Illuminati organizations. These mysterious bodies seem to be more fluid in their structure than we outsiders can ever know. There is a definite relationship between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church that can be discerned in their respective doctrines, as well as through observing their deeds. This is true despite any shallow vocalizations to distance themselves from one another for our benefit. The two recently canonized Saints John bear witness to this occult relationship between masonry and Catholicism through the masonic festivals of the Two Saints John:

Two Saints John
By history, custom, tradition and ritualistic requirements, the Craft holds in veneration the Festival Days of St. John the Baptist on June 24th, and St. John the Evangelist on December 27th. Any Blue Lodge that forgets either of these important Festival Days forfeits a precious link with the past and loses an opportunity for the renewal of allegiance to everything in Freemasonry symbolized by these Patron Saints.
No satisfactory explanation has yet been advanced to explain why operative Masons adopted these two particular Christian saints, when, for example, St. Thomas, the patron of architecture and building, was already in wide use. source
 Freemasons historically celebrate two feasts of Saint John. The feast of John the Baptist falls on 24 June, and that of John the Evangelist on 27 December, roughly marking mid-summer and mid-winter. During the Eighteenth Century, the Premier Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Ireland favored the day of John the Baptist, while the Grand Lodge of Scotland, the Ancient Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of All England at York installed their Grand Masters on the feast day of John the Evangelist. The United Grand Lodge of England was formed on 27 December 1813. source
 Many millions of people stood in awe at the spectacle of two men, two popes being simultaneously granted the status of sainthood. These two Johns have been portrayed as somewhat polar to one another with the one appealing to the conservative Catholic masses and the other to the more liberal Catholics. This is a framing of false duality or a masonic juxtaposition of "black" against "white":

The image above depicts the masonic Two Saints John. At the northern pole on the right is John the Baptist. This John ventured into his ministry having no example to follow for the Lord had not yet undertaken his ministry. John the Baptist had not seen any of the miracles of Christ nor had he been called personally by Christ and yet having not seen he still believed and prepared the way of the Lord. John the Baptist was a faithful witness even unto death and gave his life for the testimony of Jesus when he was but perhaps 33 years of age.

At the southern pole is John the Evangelist. This John, beloved of the Lord, was given a prophetic vision greater than his peers. In his gospel John the Evangelist reveals more deeply the nature of Christ as God having been given the gift to see with a spiritual discernment that gave him a greater revelation of who Jesus was. John the Evangelist being with the Lord in his last hours on the cross became son to the mother of Jesus by the Lord's own word.

These two men rather than being polar opposites are perhaps different poles of the same spirit, the spirit and body of Jesus Christ. Preceding the Apostles, John the Baptist was the first to give his life for the gospel whereas John the Evangelist outlived all of the other Apostles and died of natural causes at great age having given the entirety of his life to the gospel. The Two Saints John can be seen as "book ends" to the earthly ministry of Jesus. Satan has used the demonic doctrines of Freemasonry to stain the gospel by co-opting the character of those who gave their lives for it in order to deceive the credulous who mistakenly believe that they can safely mingle their Christianity with the occult. The following material reveals the fact that, far from having anything to do with Christianity, the masonic festivals of the Two Saints John are actually satanic Roman paganism in disguise:

Janus: Ancient Italic deity, guardian god of portals, doors, and gates; patron of beginnings and endings, c.1500, from Latin Ianus, literally "gate, arched passageway," perhaps from PIE root *ei- (1) "to go" (cognates: Sanskrit yanah "path," Old Church Slavonic jado "to travel"). He is shown as having two faces, one in front the other in back. His temple in Rome was closed only in times of peace. source
Janus is the two faced Roman deity who, as noted above, is the god of  "beginnings and endings," which explains what is truly being shown with the two Johns at either side of the circle dot. Janus' name means "arched passageway" and this reveals to us the meaning of the ubiquitous arch seen in so many masonic artworks:

As you see in the masonic drawing above there is the arch of Janus and note the two pillars. Doesn't there appear to be an analogy between this scenery and the Two Saints John with the two saints being represented here by the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz? Indeed, that is exactly what is depicted:

A symbol special to masonry is the circle with a point in the center placed between two parallel tangent lines. These tangents are said to represent the two St. Johns. What makes this symbolism complete is the fact that the circle represents the annual cycle of the sun thru the zodiac, the point being the sun and the circle being the zodiac. In addition, the age old astronomical sign for the sun is such circle with a center point. The two parallel lines are tangents of the circle at the solstitial points of Cancer and Capricorn. They represent limit points beyond which the sun can never pass in its journey thru the ecliptic plane, in its ascent and descent. Because these two tangent points are symbols for the two solstices, and respectively, the two gates, they also are symbols for the two St. Johns. When in a vertical position, these two tangent lines also represent the two “Pillars of Hercules.” Historically, the gate of Hercules was placed geographically on either side of the Straights of Gibralter. The south pillar was in Africa and the north pillar located in Europe. source
Upon Examination the occult symbolism of the masonic Two Saints John, which is a cover for the Roman god Janus, is an esoteric doctrine that is shared in common between Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church. Here is a view of St. Peter's Square showing the Egyptian obelisk with fountains at each side:

click to enlarge
This image is actually a highly occult depiction of multiple ancient religious elements:

click to enlarge

The obelisk in the center represents the "dot" in the circle and the two fountains represent the Two Saints John. This is actually the "image of Janus," so St. Peter's Square is actually a "portal" and also a place of "initiation", since Janus is the god of portals and initiation. But there is more:

click to enlarge
In the center of the circle the place of the "dot" is occupied by the male principle in the form of an Obelisk that was crafted by ancient Egyptian artisans. This is the "phallus of Baal." Immediately beyond that is a four-spoked cross and this is the "star of Baal." Beyond the star of Baal is an eight-spoked star and this is the "star of Shamash." Shamash is a Babylonian god whose name means"sun." Shamash is the god of justice and salvation. Shamash is also identified as Saturn (link). This is all very interesting in light of recent posts. We know that Baal is Nimrod and Saturn is his grandfather, Ham. St. Peter's Square is the image of Ham and Nimrod. Is it also the image of the beast?

Why were these Popes John XXIII and John Paul II picked for this occult ritual? Both of these popes have played key roles in strengthening the foundations of the coming Final World Order. Pope John XXIII issued a papal encyclical titled "Pacem in Terris" (Peace on Earth) on April 11, 1963. In Pacem in Terris Pope John XXIII calls for world government with a governmental authority that trumps every sovereign state:
134. In our own day, however, mutual relationships between States have undergone a far reaching change. On the one hand, the universal common good gives rise to problems of the utmost gravity, complexity and urgency—especially as regards the preservation of the security and peace of the whole world. On the other hand, the rulers of individual nations, being all on an equal footing, largely fail in their efforts to achieve this, however much they multiply their meetings and their endeavors to discover more fitting instruments of justice. And this is no reflection on their sincerity and enterprise. It is merely that their authority is not sufficiently influential.

135. We are thus driven to the conclusion that the shape and structure of political life in the modern world, and the influence exercised by public authority in all the nations of the world are unequal to the task of promoting the common good of all peoples.

138. But this general authority equipped with world-wide power and adequate means for achieving the universal common good cannot be imposed by force. It must be set up with the consent of all nations. If its work is to be effective, it must operate with fairness, absolute impartiality, and with dedication to the common good of all peoples. The forcible imposition by the more powerful nations of a universal authority of this kind would inevitably arouse fears of its being used as an instrument to serve the interests of the few or to take the side of a single nation, and thus the influence and effectiveness of its activity would be undermined. For even though nations may differ widely in material progress and military strength, they are very sensitive as regards their juridical equality and the excellence of their own way of life. They are right, therefore, in their reluctance to submit to an authority imposed by force, established without their co-operation, or not accepted of their own accord. source
They always say that they will not use force and that it is your choice whether or not to participate. In reality behind the scenes those who oppose the NWO are getting into mysterious car crashes, having heart attacks for no good reason, blowing up or spontaneously bursting into flames. You get the picture. And lest we forget:
1 Thessalonians 5:3  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Tyrants have been proffering tyranny as peace for thousands of years. The words of John XXIII sound very good, but if you remember what the Bible says and you believe it, then you know that the good Pope is either a liar or a fool and perhaps he was both.

As the "book end" to John XXIII's promoting of the New World Order is Pope John Paul II doing the same in almost identical terms more than 40 years later on International Peace Day, January 1, 2004:
One feels more than ever the need for a new international order, that brings to fruition the experience and the results achieved in these years by the United Nations.This is an order that is capable of giving adequate solutions to the problems of today, founded on the dignity of the human person, on an integral development of society, on solidarity between rich countries and poor ones, on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technical progress.Love is the highest and most noble form of relationship between human beings. This conviction has guided me in sending out a message on this World Day of Peace.God helps us to construct all together the "civilisation of love". Only a humanity in which love conquers will be capable of enjoying an authentic and lasting peace.This gift we obtain from Mary. It is she who sustains and accompanies us on the hard and exalted journey to the building of peace.For this we pray with faith, without stinting: Mary, queen of peace, pray for us! source
Like John XXIII, John Paul II tiptoes around the terminology in calling the New World Order a New International Order. He appeals to humanistic desires by stating that this new order shall be founded upon love and human dignity. Then in typical Catholic fashion he shoves Mary in front of Christ. As with John XXIII, John Paul II is either a fool who does not know what his Bible says about peace on earth or he is a liar who knows the truth and conceals it in unrighteousness.

To close this post I wish now once again to show you this quote from Alice Bailey's Externalization of the Hierarchy:
In the esoteric group, which is composed of the true spiritual esotericists found in all exoteric occult groups, in the church, by whatever name it may be called, and in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. As yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate--when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood--will be the utilisation of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centres. source: Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 1957
I keep showing you this particular quote because I believe that it is important to etch into your mind the fact that the day is coming when all Protestant denominations, the Catholics, eastern Religions, mysticism, the masonic groups, the New Agers and all of the black magic satanists will scurry out from what ever filth they have been hiding under to all join hands under the horrid light of Lucifer. And they will all take the mark. If you do not take the mark, then you will not find many if any friends in that New World Order. Every where you turn there will be someone whose sole mission in life at that very moment will be to rat you out. There will be no where to turn, no where to run and no where to hide. Now, of course, there will be some who are able to be hidden according to scripture, but I would not count on being one of them.

The innermost circles of all of the esoteric and religious organizations are already working toward bringing about the rule of Antichrist. It is just a matter of time before God allows them to unleash the beast.

Behold The Mystery Of Iniquity And The Image Of The Beast:


Monday 7 April 2014

Maserati The Trident And The Khazars Oh My!

This post will explore the Maserati logo and the trident symbol just a bit. This blog has posted many trident related entries since the Malaysian plane disappearance. Conspiracy nuts like myself are always searching for the holy grail of symbols, a unifying symbol that ties all or most of them together. The trident seems to get as close as any of them. Any logo with a grouping of three of anything may be signalling a trident. In looking into the origins of this symbol I found that the Hindu god Shiva is often depicted with a trident like weapon called a trishula:

From what I have been able to find the development of what became Shiva and its association with the trident goes back perhaps a thousand years or more before Christ. The trident wielding Shiva character below dates to around the 2nd century BC:

I showed you in Trident Of Shiva that Shiva has a lot in common with Baphomet. They are both gender bending characters and they each depict duality of natures:

The two horns of Baphomet together with the "flame of intelligence" in between them forms a trident. Also, note that the male have of the Shiva in the center is making the mano cornuto with the right hand.

The name Maserati may tie in with the gender bending and hermaphroditic natures of Baphomet and Shiva. I know the origin of the name "Maserati" with the four brothers who started the company. The etymology of the Maserati family name is not easy to come by.  The powers that run the world and the families behind them have a soft spot in their hearts for the language of the ancient Romans. There are many ways to break up the word Maserati and get a Latin translation. The most interesting I found is "mas erat i." In Latin this yields "I was a male" hinting toward someone who was a male, but is no longer a male. The first time I tried Google translate it did yield this result, but after that it gave me varied interpretations. Here is the screen cap:

 A second website gave concurrence on this interpretation:

When the man of sin comes could it be possible that he will appear to the world as a she? I am not making up my mind on this one. We really have no way of knowing the answer to this question yet. The man of sin or beast will be revealed in the day, hour and moment that God reveals him and not before. That is my understanding of 2 Thessalonians 2:3:

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

That "day" will come when "he" is revealed. If you or I knew who he was today, then today would be that day. That time has obviously not come yet and when it does there will be no question about it. You will either have no doubt it is him or you shall be hopelessly under his spell.

Having gone off on that tangent let's now return to looking at the varied history of the trident. I was able to find several ancient coins and seals that show the trident symbol. This coin dates from 246-222 BC and bears the image of Ptolemy III with the trident behind the head:


The most interesting trident connection that I have found and one that just might explain the prevalence of the trident today can be traced back 1000 years to of all places, Kiev:

Yaroslav I, Grand Prince of Rus', known as Yaroslav the Wise or Iaroslav the Wise (Old Norse: Jarizleifr; Old East Slavic and Russian Ярослав Мудрый; Ukrainian: Ярослав Мудрий; c. 978 – 20 February 1054) was thrice Grand Prince of Novgorod and Kiev, uniting the two principalities for a time under his rule. Yaroslav's Christian name was George (Yuri) after Saint George (Old East Slavic: Гюрьгi, Ghyurghi).

A son of the Varangian (Viking) Grand Prince Vladimir the Great, he was vice-regent of Novgorod at the time of his father’s death in 1015. Subsequently, his eldest surviving brother, Svyatopolk the Accursed, killed three of his other brothers and seized power in Kiev. Yaroslav, with the active support of the Novgorodians and the help of Varangian mercenaries, defeated Svyatopolk and became the Grand Prince of Kiev in 1019. 


Yaroslav and his descendants used a symbol on their seals and coins that should be very familiar to us:

This trident symbol is the very symbol that is used today on the Ukraine coat of arms:

In Rise Of The Falcon we learned a lot about the diving dove/falcon symbol that seems to have influenced everything from Calvary Chapel to the O.T.O:

From trident to falcon There is no sure and definite interpretation of the symbol; however, most historians agree that it most probably depicts a stylized falcon which according to the Slavic mythology was the Primary god (Pershoboh). In Christianity, a descending falcon, just as dove (with head downwards, as in case of Ukraine´s trident) also symbolizes the Holy Spirit. This is the most likely explanation, as the symbol appears during the years surrounding the Christianization, and is furthermore identical to modern representations of the descending falcon. Depictions of a flying falcon with a cross above its head have been found in Old Ladoga, the first seat of Kievan Rurik dynasty, of Scandinavian lineage. Such a falcon, along with a cross are also featured on the coins of Olaf Guthfrithsson, Viking konung. Falconry for centuries has been a royal sport in Europe. The Gyrfalcon (known also as Norwegian falcon) was considered a royal bird and is mentioned (ukr.: кречет) in one of the earliest epics of Ruthenia, the 12th century poem The Tale of Igor's Campaign. Being a highly prized hunting bird of Kings and Emperors in the Middle Ages, the gyrfalcon is also the traditional symbol of Iceland, the land of Vikings. Every year, the Danish government sent a ship to Iceland to bring back gyrfalcons. A white gyrfalcon on a blue field was Iceland's coat of arms from 1903 until 1919, being depicted on the Icelandic royal flag. The Order of the Falcon remains as one of the highest presidential awards in Viking Iceland. It also features on the old Icelandic 5 krona banknote. Due to its rarity and the difficulties involved in obtaining it, in European falconry the Gyrfalcon was reserved for kings and nobles; very rarely was a man of lesser rank seen with a Gyrfalcon on his forearm. In 2011 the market value of one gyrfalcon is estimated at 30,000 - 50,000 USD. The descending "trident" form also represents the hunting action of the gyrfalcon, falling upon its prey. The interwoven spiral style of the Ukraine trident (stylized flying falcon) resembles the Jelling style, the Scandinavian animal art during the 10th century. The use of this symbol in Ukraine has been supplanted since the 11th century by the Christian tradition of using the images of the saints (most notably Saint George or Saint Michael) considered to be the protectors of the ruling family, and later by Galician or Cossack heraldic or cultural images. source

Yaroslav did not come up with the trident symbol out of thin air. No, he was not the originator of it. Now we come to a topic that is more sensitive than a sore toe: The Khazars:

After the collapse of the Khazar Empire the Russians in their coinage adopted a trident device on their coinage which is well illustrated in Pritsak that may be a further development of the tamgha and the Byzantines of this period also used a trident device on their coins to indicate their ruler. It is even possible to postulate that devices used on Israeli coins are derived from the Khazar and White Hun Tamgha. source: Glen Shake, Coins of the Khazar Empire (p. 46)

Kievan Rus's subjects included East Slav's, Scandinavians, Baltic and Finnic peopls, Jews and others. According to Thomas Noonan, the Rus' adopted the title "Kagan" to help legitimize their rule over this diverse population, since the title was understood by those in the population who had formerly lived under Khazar rule to mean that its bearers reigned under a divine mandate from a higher power. Thus, the "omen" story in the Russian Primary Chronicle, which added that the Rus' would someday rule over the Khazars "by God's commandment," was also an expression of this Khazar ideology that was adopted by the Rus'.

The Khazarian trident, a possible tamga symbol of the Khazar kagans, was adopted by the Rus' rulers Svyatoslav and Vladimir for use on coins and seals. According to Robin MIlner-Gulland, the trident was an "authority symbol" in medieval times. Pritsak wrote that the trident represented the qut (charisma) of the Khazarian kagan and how it brought forth "victory and glory." source: Kevin Alan Brook, The Jews of Khazaria (p. 154)

Yes, folks, this diving dove/trident can be directly traced to the Khazars. Sorry if this offends, but the evidence points to the fact that the Jews who fled Israel 2000 years ago mixed with a lot of people on their journey north into Europe: 

Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, thinks so. In a recently published study in Genome Biology Evolution (Elhaik 2012), he is calling for a rewrite of commonly held assumptions about Jewish ancestry. Instead of being primarily the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, present-day Jewish populations are, finds Elhaik, primarily the children of a Turkish people who lived in what is now Russia, north of Georgia, east of Ukraine. This civilization, the Khazars, converted from tribal religions to Judaism between the 7th and 9th centuries. source

Before we cover our ears to the shrill cries of "Antisemite!" you need to understand that Eran Elhaik is an Israeli. Here is the conclusion of his research along with the link to the study:

We compared two genetic models for European Jewish ancestry depicting a mixed Khazarian–European–Middle Eastern and sole Middle Eastern origins. Contemporary populations were used as surrogates to the ancient Khazars and Judeans, and their relatedness to European Jews was compared over a comprehensive set of genetic analyses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis depicting a large Near Eastern–Caucasus ancestry along with Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and written traditions. We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaized Khazars, Greco–Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews, and Judeans and that their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan. source

Now, after showing you what this trident symbolism can be traced back to let's refocus upon where it might be going. Recall the Maerati Ghibli commercial:

The Maserati Ghibli is named after the "fiercely hot wind out of north Africa" (link). These winds, which can attain hurricane force are commonly called Sirocco, but in Libya they are Ghibli (link).  You may have heard that the Illuminati are alternately called "Moriah" and that the word Moriah means "conquering wind." This is a lie. The word Moriah means "chosen of Jehovah." God certainly has not chosen the devil worshipping Illuminati. The body of Christ also known as the church are the chosen of Jehovah. The starting price of the Maserati Ghibli is $66,900 and this is clearly yet another 666 reference. 

In closing, Kiev was founded by the Khazars. In 965 AD Svyatoslav conquered the Khazars. What we are seeing today in Ukraine reaches back 1000 years and perhaps much farther. Honestly, it is far too complicated for me to track. I will clean up this post in time.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Was MH370 Diverted to Diego Garcia?

Some of you who have been following the missing jet saga may have seen the conspiracy theories regarding the jet being flown to Diego GarCIA either by the pilot, a passenger who overcame the flight crew or by the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot system, which allows the jet to be controlled from the ground without interference from the flight crew:
Boeing last week [as of 12/2006] received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location. The “uninterruptible” autopilot would be activated – either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.Boeing says: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and effiecency of the world's airline fleet." source
Boeing only received a patent for this technology in 2006, but it existed for years and perhaps decades prior to the award of patent. The government could have even contracted the development of such a system and required the contractor to maintain classification of it.

 A scenario that includes remote takeover of a passenger jet mid-flight may seem insane or would be insane if this were a sane world. But if you are a Christian, then you should know that this world is anything but sane. The media is lying and all of the governments involved are lying. That is my conclusion. Take it or leave it. But let's return to Diego GarCIA and explore it just a bit. First, what is Diego GarCIA:
In order to convert the sleepy, Indian Ocean island of Diego GarCIA into a dominating military base, the U.S. forcibly transported its 2,000 Chagossian inhabitants into exile and gassed their dogs.By banning journalists from the area, the U.S. Navy was able to perpetrate this with virtually no press coverage, says David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of “Island of Shame: the Secret History of the U.S. Military on Diego GarCIA (Princeton University Press).”“The Chagossians were put on a boat and taken to Mauritius and the Seychelles, 1,200 miles away, where they were left on the docks, with no money and no housing, to fend for themselves,” Vine said on the interview show “Books Of Our Time,” sponsored by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.
"Through Diego GarCIA,” Vine pointed out, “the U.S. can project its power throughout the Middle East, and from East Africa to India, Australia and Indonesia. With Guam, the island is the most important American base outside the U.S.” He said U.S. bases now number around 1,000, including 287 in Germany, 130 in Japan and Okinawa, and 57 in Italy.“Bases have been essential tools of U.S. military and economic power since not long after independence,” Vine pointed out. “We had bases all the way to the Pacific. After the Civil War, the U.S. began to acquire coaling bases in the Pacific.”  source
The United States lied to the inhabitants of Diego GarCIA and stole their land just as had been done to the original inhabitants of the continental United States. This is all about building empire and a platform for the end time kingdom of Antichrist. It has nothing to do with protecting your "freedoms." It has nothing to do with liberty and justice. You do not protect freedom, liberty and justice by lying, stealing and killing. Let's put it in perspective.

Getting back to Diego GarCIA, the atoll is a thin ribbon of land about 10-15 miles long and it sits right in the center of the Indian Ocean:

Diego GarCIA is approximately 2,200 miles from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and 2,500 miles from the location where MH370 turned off its ADS-B transponder.

In the image below note that Diego is only a "ribbon" of earth jutting up from the sea. The center is water and not land, but the United States military has jam packed what little land there is with the most advanced weapons and defense technology that the world has ever seen:

Aircraft carrier docked @ Diego GarCIA

B2 in one of several special hangars on Diego GarCIA

Diego GarCIA tracking station

Diego GarCIA wharf

Diego GarCIA air field

Many billions of dollars @ Diego GarCIA
There is no way as of yet to prove that MH370 was flown to Diego GarCIA much less how. But what we might be able to show is that at the very least Diego GarCIA saw the jet and is withholding information. Ask yourself this question: would the United States leave one of its most critical and valuable bases blind? Or would it equip Diego GarCIA with the best electronic detection systems that money can buy - at least as well equipped as the CONUS? I have seen responses from the ignorant and the shills regarding how that the US would not bother tracking every commercial flight over the ocean. Why would they not? They have a paranoid security mindset. They have money to make their dreams come true and defense contractors pushing them to fulfill their dreams to monitor everything on earth. Why would they leave billions of dollars just sitting in the ocean with a lazy eye that bothers not to look at everything? Those who say that the US military would not bother are not being honest. The US military absolutely has the capability and absolutely would bother. No question in my mind that they saw it and if what they say about it heading to Australia is true then there is no question that the Australians also saw it and tracked it. To think otherwise is just stupid.

Space based radar was envisioned as a means of tracking all air traffic. This type of radar would even be able to track stealth technology better than land based radar stations. But you will not find any confirmation that space based radar is being used at Diego GarCIA to track aircraft. This does not mean that it is not there. The US military would be wise to publish disinformation about the technology it uses and to make failures public, but not success. 

Another technology that you will be able to find a great deal of information on and which is very likely being used at Diego GarCIA is Over the Horizon Backscatter radar (OTH-B). You may have heard and/or read that once out to sea, planes are no longer visible to primary radar, as it is limited to about a 200 mile maximum. This is true for traditional radar, but OTH-B radar can see much farther. OTH-B radar is a very mature defense technology that has been around for decades. You may not be able to find public records detailing to true upper limit of OTH-B's capabilities, but what you will find is that it can see upwards of 2,000 miles. 

OTH-B coverage for the continental US stretches out to sea more than 3,000 miles (link)
If OTH-B radar is being employed at Diego GarCIA, then this places all of MH370's activity within sight of Diego GarCIA. To strengthen the hypothesis that someone is not telling us all that they know you need to also understand that Australia employs OTH-B radar along its coasts. This places most of the alleged route of MH370 toward the southern Indian Ocean squarely in view of the Australian radar stations. Whatever they tell us their capabilities are the truth is potentially much greater. I have already heard rumors that the Australian OTH-B radar was turned off at the time MH370 went missing. That would be convenient because otherwise IT IS IMPOSSIBLE that Australia did not see the jet on its military radar screens for hours IF it is true that MH370 flew toward the southern Indian Ocean.

click to enlarge
Comparing the drawing above to the map below It seems very clear that the pulses that were allegedly detected and which were believed to have been from the black boxes all fall inside the area that is under surveillance by Australian military radar:

Why is the Australian military pretending that this is not relevant? Why are they silent? Maybe if they pretend that no one can see this glaring issue, then after a while we will all lose interest and stop asking inconvenient questions.

Diego GarCIA: All-Seeing Black Eye
Diego GarCIA is known to be a key player in global communication surveillance as well as a CIA "black site" where God knows what can go on under the excuse of the Islamic bogeyman that they created:

As originally structured, only two stations were necessary to intercept global communications, one at Morwenstown in Cornwell, UK, that had one satellite dish for the Atlantic Ocean and one for the Indian Ocean and a NSA installation in the western United States focused on the Pacific Ocean. A far more extensive set of communication intercepting and ground information processing stations now exist. Reportedly they include or have included Pine Gap, Australia; Misawa Air Base, Japan; Waihopai, New Zealand; Menwith Hill, UK; Sugar Grove, West Virginia; Yakima, Washington;  Alert [Nunavut], Canada; Griesheim, Germany; Osan Air Base, South Korea; Diego GarCIA; Gibraltar; Guam; Karamursel, Turkey; and Agios, Cyprus. In addition to these sites, a July 6, 2000 BBC report stated that 120 American satellites in geostationary orbit were a part of ECHELON. source: Glenn P. Hastedt, Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage (pps. 266,267)
Diego GarCIA The Rendition Site
Suspicions were first raised by an open letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair on December 28th 2002, in which Human Rights Watch suggested that US forces were holding and interrogating Al Qaeda suspects on Diego GarCIA, violating international law and the legal obligations of the British government. In a subsequent series of questions and answers in Parliament between 2003 until 2008, the government consistently denied the allegations.

On 21st February 2008, then-Foreign Secretary David Miliband conceded by statement to Parliament and by letter to Clive Stafford Smith that two rendition flights carrying US prisoners had stopped on Diego GarCIA, in January and September 2002, stating that "an error in the earlier US records search meant that these cases did not come to light".

Through a process of elimination, Reprieve has now identified one of the prisoners rendered through Diego GarCIA as the Egyptian national Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni. His case shows how the US secret prison system grew out of existing practices with partner states such as Egypt, aided by cooperating states like Britain.

It is therefore inconceivable that the UK was not aware of how the existing US rendition programme accelerated and broadened following 9/11. Excluding renditions from Afghanistan to Guantánamo Bay, at least 150-200 renditions occurred between 2001 and 2004, and in the lead-up to Madni's apprehension at least five high-profile rendition cases were reported in the press. More significantly, by law the UK must be informed of all movements of US ships and aircraft on or through Diego GarCIA, and the US requires British permission to bring “unlawful combatants” onto the island. 

More than one independent source has suggested that logs of flights through Diego GarCIA have been destroyed.  However, an examination of records available for four other rendition flights conducted by the same plane (N379P) reveals that it routinely operated under various “special status designators” allowing them to fly wherever they liked, whenever they liked, which would indicate knowledge - and authorisation - at the highest echelons of both the US and the British governments.  source
I have just one more item for you to look at before we are done. The Name Diego means "James" and the name James is a form of the Hebrew name "Jacob" and Jacob, as you know, became Israel. Ultimately, the meaning of the name Diego (other than Jacob) is " heel holder" or "supplanter."  GarCIA simply means "brave in battle." There seems to be an Israel connection here. Modern Israel is not of God. The hexagram should be a dead giveaway. Modern Israel was created for a purpose and I believe that it is playing a central role in the ongoing final deception. 

I will not bother to conjecture any further, but I will add that Israel recently closed all 102 of its embassies (link) world wide due to a "labor strike." Since 1948 when Israel became a nation this has never happened.