Sunday 15 June 2014

Unholy Grail Part 3: A Shot At Bourbon - Continued

In Part 2 I pushed you toward the thesis that the fleur-de-lis is an iris rather than a lily. In this post I have for you some material that weakens that idea, but strengthens the Jewish connection. This first excerpt is a little lengthy, but it has a lot of good information:
It was regarded as the choicest among the flowers. It graced the capitals of the two main pillars, Jachin and Boaz, which stood at the entrance to the sanctuary of the Temple. The lily likewise decorated other objects of the holy place. One of the most elaborate gates of the sacred enclosure which opened toward the east and the rising sun, was called the Eastern Gate. The top of this gate was beautified with a sculptured form which was called Shushan ha Birah- the castle Susa (Shushan). It might have been so called because of the ornament of lilies on it. Long after the destruction of the Temple, when traditions were forgotten, and explanations were sought to things unexplainable, political interpretations were given to this supposedly strange architectural feature. The Amora Hisda suggested the form of the Shushan Birah was to serve as a reminder that the Jews returned from Persia (Babylon). Yizhak b. Abdimi intimated that the Shushan was constructed by the Persian government to emphasize Jewish dependence and to insure loyalty of the Jews to that power. Of the other sacred objects in the Temple, lilies adorned the rim of the brazen sea or laver designed for the washing of the priests before they performed their divine duty. This laver which stood south-west of the monumental steps that led to the sanctuary, and near the altar, symbolized the pure water of which the heavens were supposed to be composed. The sacred candelabrum within the sanctuary, perhaps representing the solar system, was adorned, according to the Bible, with flowers, and according to later Jewish tradition these flowers were lilies. The lily represented the world of flowers. It symbolized human virtues such as righteousness, purity and chastity. One of these virtues has been befittingly illustrated by the character of the apocryphal work, "Book of Susanna" (Shoshanah). In the words of the prophet Hosea, the lily became the flower symbol of Israel: 'I will be as the dew unto Israel, he shall blossom as the lily;' and the lily was also allegorically referred to in the Song of Songs, and as a favorite simile later in Hebrew poetry. The lily, shoshanah, is used generically, as it embraced other related flowers. Lilies had grown on hills and in the field. The choicest of lilies were those that grew in the valleys, in the proximity of water. Perah - flower in the Bible - is often rendered shoshanah - lily in the Targum. This flower was considered to be one that bloomed rapidly, therefore it became a symbol of fertility. It constituted one of the many kinds of spices used in ancient times. The musical instrument shoshan or shushan mentioned in the Psalms, evidently had the shape of the lily, as is seen from the harps on the coins of the Second Revolt, and also resembled the shape of the lily on the coins of Johann and Alexander Jannaeus. Strange as it may seem, the lily on the Jewish coins resembles the Rhodus flower - the rose. This seeming inaccuracy is explained by the generic term of shoshan which might have included such flowers as the lotus and even the rose. In fact, the Midrash contains a few passages which speak of a soft lily, and the excellent of this kind is the lily of the valley, paralleling the rose of the valley. Besides these allusions, the Midrash specifically mentions a shoshanah shel wered -a lily-rose - which grows in orchards, this species of lily-rose being the symbol of Israel. It is evident that when the lily was considered by the Maccabean rulers as one of the symbols to be reproduced on coins, this aesthetic choice, emblematic of Israel, and known to others through the Rhodus flower, influenced the selection of this particular kind. source
The lily or fleur-de-lis was the symbol of Israel according to this passage and it became the symbol of the rulers of Israel:
On the obverse is shown a lily flower, or fleur-de-lys, which later became the French sign of royalty. Given the Latin name lilium candidum by biologists, it is a symbol of purity and was regarded in Ancient Israel as the most beautiful flower. In the words of the prophet Hosea, the lily was the national flower of Israel: “I will be like the dew for Israel; he shall blossom like the lily” (Hosea 14:6)....The use of the lily on this coin is apparently derived from the design that graced the capitals of the two main pillars that stood in front of the Temple, known as Jachin and Boaz. Following from its earlier use, the lily became a popular motif in Jewish art of the Second Temple Period, appearing on coins struck in Jerusalem during the second and first centuries BCE under Antiochus VII, John Hyrcanus I and Alexander Jannaeus.  source
The reverse side bears an image of a bird. Zoologists cannot determine the exact species from the depiction, but have suggested that it is a falcon or hawk. The heraldic form of the bird is borrowed from contemporary coins of Asia Minor that depict other birds in a similar fashion. Near the bird’s head is the word ‘Yehud,’ “YHD,” in ancient Aramaic script. This expression had a twofold meaning, signifying both the name of the city Jerusalem as the capital (Aramaic ‘Birta’) of Judah and the province (Aramaic ‘Medinta’) itself.  source
Note: the source quoted above states obverse and reverse correctly in the narrative, however if you visit that page be aware that they have mixed up obverse and reverse in their images of the coin showing obverse as the reverse and visa versa.

The coin above is from approximately 350 B.C. More than two hundred years later Hasmonean rulers were still using it on their coinage, like this coin from the time of Alexander Jannaeus:

Even to this very day Israel uses the image of a very elegant fleu-de-lis to adorn the "new shequel" coin:

In Part 2 we saw that the lily or iris is the quintessential symbol of the French monarchy, in particular the House of Bourbon: 

I find it a little interesting that a 4th century B.C. Jewish coin bears symbols that 1) are emblematic of the House of Bourbon (the fleur-de-lis) and 2) possibly depict Horus (a falcon):

See Rise of the Falcon for some information on the diving "dove."

The fleur-de-lis used by both Hasmonean and French royalty also represents the mysterious (sometimes fictional and sometimes not) Prieuré de Sion, whose mission (according to some) is to install anti-Christ as king in Jerusalem:
And oddly enough, here we have King Felipe V of Spain making the so-called "Marrano" or "secret Jew" hand sign:

Felipe is long dead, but his descendant, Philip VI only recently ascended to the Spanish throne when his father, Juan Carlos abdicated.

This is Philip VI:

Philip VI is a Claimant King of Jerusalem and a Bourbon. And this is his symbol:

The fleur-de-lis. The symbol of Israel at one time and now.

And recall from Part 2 this cover of the 1/9/1988 issue of The Economist:

Note the head of the bird. Do you see what I see?

I am not calling anyone a Biblical prophetic character with this post. That has been done a million times and failed a million times. I also have no way of knowing for sure what the so-called Marrano hand sign means. I am just pointing out some things that may or may not be interesting.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Unholy Grail Part 2: A Shot At Bourbon

This is the coat of arms of the French House of Bourbon

The House of Bourbon  is a European royal house of French origin, a branch of the Capetian dynasty /kəˈpiːʃ(i)ən/. Bourbon kings first ruled Navarre and France in the 16th century. By the 18th century, members of the Bourbon dynasty also held thrones in Spain, Naples, Sicily, and Parma. Spain and Luxembourg currently have Bourbon monarchs.

When the Bourbons inherited the strongest claim to the Spanish throne, the claim was passed to a cadet who became Philip V of Spain. The strict separation of the French and Spanish thrones was formalized in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1714, and similar arrangements later kept the Spanish throne separate from those of the Two Sicilies and Parma. The Spanish Bourbons (in Spanish, the name is spelled Borbón) have been overthrown and restored several times, reigning 1700–1808, 1813–1868, 1875–1931, and from 1975 to the present day. 

All members of the House of Bourbon and its cadet branches alive today are direct agnatic descendants of Henry IV. source: House of Bourbon
I told you before that I was never interested much in this subject until I heard about king Juan Carlos abdicating his Spanish throne. When I visited the wiki page of his son, Felipe, I found that someone had vandalized the page and replaced Felipe's image with an image of Felipe's ancestor, Felipe V, the first Bourbon king of Spain. This is the image that I showed you in A New King For Spain with Felipe V painted displaying the Marrano (secret Jew) hand sign:


The first thing that you should notice about the Bourbon coat of arms is the fleur-de-lis. I count at least 100 of them:

I contend that the fleur-de-lis and the Marrano hand sign are the same symbol:

The fleur-de-lis has been the ubiquitous symbol of France for centuries. It is purported to be a lily flower, but there are other theories as to its meaning and origin:

The fleur-de-lis, a stylized iris, first occurs in its modern use as the emblem of the House of Capet. The fleur-de-lis has been associated with France as Louis VII adopted it as a symbol in the 12th Century. source: fleur-de-lis

Fleur de lis translated from French to English means "lily flower" however, even when presented with this people still say that the fleur de lis has other forms which it should be called: a two bladed axe, an arrowhead, a trident or is has been suggested that it is not a "lily flower" but in fact an Iris from Egypt. source: Harry Williams, The Shadowed Truth (p. 45)
There seems to be some agreement that the fleur-de-lis is an iris rather than a lily, so let's compare:

Definitely looks more like an iris than a lily to me and the iris certainly fits into everything else we have been talking about as it relates to the Illuminati. The iris is just a cunning obfuscation of the all-seeing-eye. The word iris is a Greek word that means "rainbow" and Lucifer is the Rainbow:

iridium (n.)1804, Modern Latin, coined by its discoverer, English chemist Smithson Tennant (1761-1815) from Greek iris (genitive iridos) "rainbow;" so called for "the striking variety of colours which it gives while dissolving in marine acid" [Tennant] source
Another point about the fleur-de-lis is that it is definitely a trident and that leads us to yet another trident symbol that has been in our faces very much lately, the Ukrainian tryzub:

Ukrainian coat of arms flanked by fleurs-de-lis

From trident to falcon there is no sure and definite interpretation of the symbol; however, most historians agree that it most probably depicts a stylized falcon which according to the Slavic mythology was the Primary god (Pershoboh). In Christianity, a descending falcon, just as dove (with head downwards, as in case of Ukraine´s trident) also symbolizes the Holy Spirit. This is the most likely explanation, as the symbol appears during the years surrounding the Christianization, and is furthermore identical to modern representations of the descending falcon. Depictions of a flying falcon with a cross above its head have been found in Old Ladoga, the first seat of Kievan Rurik dynasty, of Scandinavian lineage. Such a falcon, along with a cross are also featured on the coins of Olaf Guthfrithsson, Viking konung. Falconry for centuries has been a royal sport in Europe. The Gyrfalcon (known also as Norwegian falcon) was considered a royal bird and is mentioned (ukr.: кречет) in one of the earliest epics of Ruthenia, the 12th century poem The Tale of Igor's Campaign. Being a highly prized hunting bird of Kings and Emperors in the Middle Ages, the gyrfalcon is also the traditional symbol of Iceland, the land of Vikings. Every year, the Danish government sent a ship to Iceland to bring back gyrfalcons. A white gyrfalcon on a blue field was Iceland's coat of arms from 1903 until 1919, being depicted on the Icelandic royal flag. The Order of the Falcon remains as one of the highest presidential awards in Viking Iceland. It also features on the old Icelandic 5 krona banknote. Due to its rarity and the difficulties involved in obtaining it, in European falconry the Gyrfalcon was reserved for kings and nobles; very rarely was a man of lesser rank seen with a Gyrfalcon on his forearm. In 2011 the market value of one gyrfalcon is estimated at 30,000 - 50,000 USD. The descending "trident" form also represents the hunting action of the gyrfalcon, falling upon its prey. The interwoven spiral style of the Ukraine trident (stylized flying falcon) resembles the Jelling style, the Scandinavian animal art during the 10th century.  source

The Ukrainian tryzub has its origins with the Khazarian tamgha:

The Khazarian trident, a possible tamga symbol of the Khazar kagans, was adopted by the Rus rulers Svyatoslav and Vladimir for use on coins and seals. According to Robin MIlner-Gulland, the trident was an "authority symbol" in medieval times. Pritsak wrote that the trident represented the qut (charisma) of the Khazarian kagan and how it brought forth "victory and glory." source: Kevin Alan Brook, The Jews of Khazaria (p. 154)
The fleur-de-lis has origins that go back much further than even the Khazarian empire - all the way to ancient Egypt and Babylon:
The ancient Egyptians revered the iris for its exotic beauty. When 15th century BCE paraoh Thutmose III of Egypt conquered Syria, where irises grew profusely, he vowed to bring back the iris to Egypt. Depictions of the flower have been found in many Egyptian palaces, including on the Sphinx, at the Temple of Amon in Karnak, on a bas-relief from the 18th Egyptian dynasty, and in Egyptian gardens. source: Encyclopedia of Cultivated Plants: From Acacia to Zinnia [3 Volumes], edited by Christopher Cumo (p. 532)

To the ancient Egyptians the iris was also a symbol of life and resurrection, and was associated with their god Osiris and his son Horus. Osiris was the first legendary pharaoh, who was killed and was then made immortal. After his death, his earthly duties were transferred to Horus, who later also acquired powers for regeneration. A stylized iris appears on the brows of Egyptian sphynx statues, which are said to be representations of Horus. source: John Lust, The Herb Book: The Most Complete Catalog of Herbs Ever Published (p. 567)
The Ukrainian tryzub symbolized the hawk, which represents the Egyptian god Horus and now we have still another tie-in to Horus with the fleur-de-lis. Perhaps they are all the same thing.



When the Jews were held captive in Egypt they would have seen the iris symbols on the Egyptian monuments and great edifices. When they were carried away to Babylon they would have seen them there too. The fleur-de-lis has always been a symbol of the elite and the power class. 

As the Jewish diaspora migrated into southern Europe they brought this symbol of power with them. As these Jews became integrated into the noble houses of these new lands the fleur-de-lis became integrated into the standards and coats of arms of the powers that then were:

Charlemagne's flag fleur de lis
Charlemagne's flag
Charlemagne's flag was another symbol of Christian iconography: the fleu-de-lis, a lily associated with baptism and the Virgin Mary. source:  Strobe Talbott , The Great Experiment..., (p.69)
Charlemagne claimed to be descended from king David. In  Part 1 we learned that Charlemagne sent for Theuderic, a fellow Jew claimant, and made him king of the Jews in Septimania:
Theodoric I of Septimania was received by Charlemagne and was given the title "King of the Jews". His ancestry is possibly one of the greatest lineages of antiquity. Theodoric claimed (or others do for him) descent not only from the Merovingian Kings, but lineal descent from King David himself. Both the king and the Pope acknowledged this pedigree.  source: Theodoric King of the Jews
One historian of the Caroligian era, P. Munz, writing long before any disclosure of the Rex Deus traditions, asserted that Charlemagne claimed succession from the Biblical kings of Israel. Furthermore, Munz concludes that Charlemagne deliberately engineered the situation in Septimania in order to arrange intermarriage between his family and that of the nasi [such as Theodoric], who also descended from the Davidic line.  source: Tim Wallace-Murphy & Marilyn Hopkins, Custodians Of Truth: The Continuance Of Rex Deus (pps. 104, 105)

The Chartres window comprises eight square central panels, with seven rectangular ones on either side, separated, as is usual in 12th century windows with no stone tracery, by heavy iron armatures. In the lowest central panel reclines the figure of Jesse, with the tree rising from his middle. In each of the seven sections it branches out into a regular pattern of scrolling branches, each bearing a bunch of leaves that take on the heraldic form of the Fleur de Lys, very common in French stained glass. source
An analysis of the Tree of Jesse window (ca. 1144) executed for Suger at Saint-Denis allows us to understand the significance Suger attributed to the Lily. The window conforms to the biblical text of Isaiah 11:1 ("And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots") and represents the genealogy of Christ, with the sleeping Jesse depicted at the bottom of the tree, three Old testament kings and the Virgin above, and, at the very top, Christ. In this iconographic scheme the kings of Israel appear for the first time, and, equally significant and novel, the tree is replaced by the superimposition of large fleurs -de-lis, each sheltering a geneaological figure. The replacement of the tree with the fleur-de-lis, from which the christological and marian significance derives, takes on new meaning when seen in relation to the depiction of the kings of Israel. source: Abbot Suger and Saint-Denis: A Symposium,  edited by Paula Lieber Gerson (p. 100)
The ubiquity of the fleur-de-lis and the tryzub type symbols is evidence that the Jews have been very industrious in mingling themselves into the great houses of Europe since they were driven out of the Holy Land 2000 years ago by the legions of Rome. The fleur-de-lis is a trident which points to an affinity for the sea through Poseidon and it is also a falcon - a symbol of Horus. 

Foremost, the fleur-de-lis is a sexual symbol of the Grail deception. The deception of the Holy Grail comes complete with a shadowy secret society tasked with protection of the bloodline:
The Prieuré de Sion, translated from French as Priory of Sion, is a name given to multiple groups, both real and fictitious. The most controversial is a fringe fraternal organisation, founded and dissolved in France in 1956 (abiding by the 1901 French Law of Associations) by Pierre Plantard. In the 1960s, Plantard created a fictitious history for that organization, describing it as a secret society founded by Godfrey of Bouillon on Mount Zion in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099, conflating it with a genuine historical monastic order, the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion. In Plantard's version, the priory was devoted to installing a secret bloodline of the Merovingian dynasty on the thrones of France and the rest of Europe. This myth was expanded upon and popularised by the 1982 pseudohistorical book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and later claimed as factual in the preface of the 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code. source
The Prieuré de Sion and its subsequent revelation as a hoax are part of the Grail deception. The Da Vinci Code is a comical attempt to redefine terms, such as Illuminati, in order to delude the public. The punchline is that it worked. The Illuminati created the myth of the Prieuré de Sion and wrapped it around the truth. There actually is a shadowy group of synagogue of Satan Jews whose goal is to enthrone Antichrist, but once the myth of the Prieuré de Sion was wrapped around this truth and then the lie was deliberately exposed and viciously lampooned the entire mess along with the truth was thoroughly relegated to the realm of cartoon.With the dawn of the information age at hand the Illuminati found it necessary to dilute the truth with enough silliness to make it unpalatable to most truth seekers. This worked on the vast majority of people and the rugged few that persisted in seeking out the truth ended up looking like this guy:

Yet the fact remains that the symbol of the Prieuré de Sion is the fleur-de-lis and it is this symbol that directs us to the very real conspiracy to install Antichrist as King of Jerusalem:

I happened upon this very interesting very interesting fleur-de-lis that adorns the crown of a phoenix on the January 9, 1988 issue of The Economist:


This image is reminiscent of the flag of Charlemagne. Note that the bird itself is similar to the form and fashion of the fleur-de-lis. The coin on his chest has a lot to say. First we see the number 10 which is the "X" of Osiris. To the left of the number 10 is the word "TEN" which renders "XX." "XX" is symbolic of Saturn. Fortunately, they confirmed this image to be all about Saturn with the monetary symbol in the center:


According to the date on the coin the world currency rises from the ashes of the currencies of the world in the year 2018.Seems about right.

Just like the Ukrainian tryzub alludes to the diving dove, so too does the fleur-de-lis. The designer of the Bourbon coat of arms was kind enough to confirm this fact with a non-subtle pointer to the Grail deception at the bottom of the image:

This dove is the holy spirit of satanism, Lucifer:
The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the Paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, and the physical Lucifer is the great agent of Universal Magnetism. source: Eliphas Levi, Paradoxes of the Highest Science (p. 90)
Many organizations all over the earth are working to bring about the reign of Antichrist. Many individuals  involved in this conspiracy have no idea what they have been building or whom they are serving. Virtually all religious organizations are a part of this great conspiracy. Do not think that your church is safe just because this particular symbol does not represent your church:

diving dove symbol
The trail of Bourbon, the fleur-de-lis and Antichrist leads us next to Spain and in Part 3 we shall go even further.

Spanish coat of arms

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Unholy Grail Part I: Echoes Of Antichrist

Our Journey to find the grail and perhaps Antichrist begins in a place once called Septimania:

The Mediterranean coastal region between the Rhone and the Pyrenees, stretching from Avignon to Perpignan and comprising the modern French departments of the Gard, Herault, Aude and Pyrenees-Orientales, was known as "Septimania" in the early Middle Ages. The name (first attested in the 5th c.) is derived from the 7th Roman Legion, which was settled in the area of Besiers (Colonia Julia Septimaorum Baeterrae) in the 1st century A.D. Septimania, part of the Roman province of Transalpine Gaul (later Gallia Narbensis), was thoroughly Romanized. In the 4th century it was separated from the region east of the Rhone and formed into the province of Narbensis Prima. The Visigoths gained control of it in the late 5th century but did not colonize it intensively. Under Visigoth rule to the mid-8th century, Septimania was not part of Merovengian Gaul; it was, rather, a barrier to direct Merovingian access to the Mediterranean and was the object of repeated unsuccessful Frankish efforts to conquer it is the 6th century, by Chilbert I, Theuderic I and Guntram.

After the victory of Clovis I over Alaric II in 507, Septimania remained in the Visigoth kingdom of Spain as the province of Septimania and often exhibited strong separatist feelings. The Muslims did not conquer Septimania when they took the rest of the Visigoth kingdom in 713, but it was exposed to frequent attacks until it was taken over by Pepin the Short in the 750s. Its nobility and population continued to see itself as Gothic and Gothic law was enforced there. under the Caroligians, the name "Gotha" came to be used for the region, although for over a century "Septimania" continued to be used as well.

source: Medieval France: An Encyclopedia,  edited by William W. Kibler (pps. 1653,1654)
As mentioned above, the name "Septimania" is thought by some to have been derived from the fact that the 7th legion had settled there, but some believe that is may be derived from the seven bishoprics that had been established there in the areas seven major cities: Beziers, Elne, Agde, Narbonne, Lodève, Maguelonne and Nimes.

As the Jewish diaspora moved northward into Europe many Jews settled in the region of Septimania:
Not long before the Moorish invasion, Jews fleeing from persecution in Visigothic Spain settled Septimania. This influential Jewish community lived under the guidance of their own nasi, or prince, whose appointment was authorized by Pepin after the capture of Narbonne in 759.
What is beyond dispute is that, after the capture of Narbonne, the Jews of Septimania emerged from he shadows into the limelight and were clearly seen as a highly privileged group....Their protection was certainly assured under the reign of Charlemagne.
One historian of the Caroligian era, P. Munz, writing long before any disclosure of the Rex Deus traditions, asserted that Charlemagne claimed succession from the Biblical kings of Israel. Furthermore, Munz concludes that Charlemagne deliberately engineered the situation in Septimania in order to arrange intermarriage between his family and that of the nasi, who also descended from the Davidic line.  source: Tim Wallace-Murphy & Marilyn Hopkins, Custodians Of Truth: The Continuance Of Rex Deus (pps. 104, 105) 
The situation that Charlemagne "deliberately engineered" is further detailed in the story of Theodoric. Theodoric was born in Babylon and was living there at the time Charlemagne requested him to come to Septimania:
Theodoric I of Septimania was received by Charlemagne and was given the title "King of the Jews". His ancestry is possibly one of the greatest lineages of antiquity. Theodoric, claimed (or others do for him) descent not only from the Merovingian Kings, but lineal descent from King David himself. Both the king and the Pope acknowledged this pedigree. Also called Makhir Natronai ben Habibi the Resh Galuta. Also called Rabbi Makir ha-David. Also called Dietrich."The evidence is sketchy and muddled at this distance, but a persistent account of Theodoric I has it that he was the Jewish Exilarch in Narbonne, and that he succeeded in establishing a regionally autonomous Jewish-led state around Narbonne. Makhir has been identified as being Makhir Natronai, Resh Galuta in Baghdad, ousted from that position by a cousin in 771. If true, it would be a matter of considerable interest; the Baghdad Exilarchs were reputed to be lineal descendants of the ancient Hebrew King David.What is fairly clear is that Septimania achieved an independent position in this era by some means or other, with the status of a Duchy or even possibly a Kingdom."He was sent by Haroun Al-Rashid, Calif of Baghdad to Charlemagne, King of the West at his request, who wanted to establish in Europe a middle class based on a Jewish nucleus between 786 and 793. source: Theodoric King of the Jews
In A New King For Spain we learned that Theodoric was the ancestor of the man who would eventually launch the first crusade to the holy land, Godfroi (Godefroy) de Bouillon:
His son, Guillem de Gellone, was a great, almost legendary hero about whom no less than six medieval epics were written, including Wilehalm by Wolfram von Eschenbach. He is closely linked with the Grail family. His descendant, 17 generations later, was Godfroi de Bouillon, leader of the First Crusade who was, by the Pope, made King of Jerusalem. source: J.J. Collins, Sangraal, The Mystery of the Holy Grail
You will see very often that Godefroy is referred to as a "Christian" and the crusades are known to have been a "Christian" endeavor. But to the discerning eye this should be an obvious deception. There was never anything Christian about the crusades, Godefroy or the Templars. It was and is a huge coverup and deception. The crusades are the opposite of what Christianity is about. Godefroy was a bully who intimidated his own people:
Godefroy also funded his crusade through a protection racket imposed on the Jewish communities in Cologne and Mainz, which he persecuted brutally until each town agreed to pay him five hundred pieces of silver to buy his bully boys off. This is hard to reconcile with Godefroy being not only of Jewish descent, but also fully cognizant of the fact. source: Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline (p.199)
Theodoric was proclaimed King of the Jews by Charlemagne and now, in 1099, Theodoric's descendant, Godefroy de Bouillon, was elected King of Jerusalem by his peers:
After the conquest of the holy city in the year 1099, the barons who led the crusade elected Godefroy de Bouillon king of Jerusalem; and it was one of the new sovereign's first cares to form a body of laws for the government of hi subjects [the Assises of Jerusalem]. source:  David Irving, An Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law (p. 220)
Godefroy bore the patriarchal double cross which is know today as the cross of Lorraine, so named for the dynastic family from which Godefroy hailed. The House of Lorraine would continue to increase its influence within the royal houses of Europe for centuries to come:
When the Count of Angouleme ascended the throne as Francis I in 1515, Charles (Charles III) was made constable, the highest office in the kingdom, which gave him control of military affairs. The close alliance between the Houses of Lorraine and Bourbon was sealed the same year when Duke Charles's sister, Rene e, married Antoine, Duke of Lorraine. Henceforth there was to be a close affinity between the various branches of the Houses of Lorraine and Bourbon, and their fluctuating relationship was a dominating feature of French politics for the rest of the century. source: Stuart Carroll, Martyrs and Murderers: The Guise Family and the Making of Europe
The House of Lorraine was been widely reported to be a "Grail family," which implies that it carries the genetic heritage of Jesus and Mary Magdelene. This teaching is often blended with the Merovingian bloodline legends. Such a teaching can be nothing but antichrist and for reasons that are too obvious to bother with mentioning. Nevertheless, this lie and these families have persisted unto this very day and even now the so-called grail families occupy the halls of power in this age. Untangling the complicated genealogical knots that bind the grail families to the current seats of power may be a task that is beyond my ability to perform. I may not be able to show a connection that is beyond question, but it is it necessary to do so. I intend to point you in the general direction of where the truth might be and it is up to you to use your discernment and to watch. The House of Bourbon is what I intend to be watching.

 In Part 2 I will offer you a shot of Bourbon.

Monday 9 June 2014

A New King For Spain: Philip VI

King Juan Carlos is set to abdicate, with his son Crown Prince Felipe poised to assume the throne, Spain's Prime Minster Mariano Rajoy announced on Monday morning. source: Juan Carlos I steps down
Juan Carlos whom everyone had written End Times books about because he was supposed to be the Antichrist is now bowing out of the running and his son Felipe will now step into the limelight and become the topic of many an End Time fantasy. But is there some merit to the fantasies? Time will tell. This situation bears watching and there are some interesting points to take in not the least of which is the fact that Juan Carlos was and now Felipe is a claimant King of Jerusalem. From the same article:
When Prince Felipe is crowned, he will also become King of Jerusalem, as is King Juan Carlos now. His title, according to the 1978 constitution, will be simply King of Spain, but the Kings of Spain have never formally renounced the Jerusalem title.
Juan Carlos and now Felipe having among many titles the title of King of Jerusalem is notable. Felipe has also been titled the Prince of Asturias. Transposing the first two letters of Asturias renders Saturias, which is etymologically connected to Saturn. For reference, note on this map the locations of both Asturias and Septimania, the place where Theodoric became King of the Jews:

One of the more mysterious footnotes in history is the story of the Principality of Septimania. Granted by Peppin III to the large Jewish population in the south of France, its first king, Theodoric, claimed descent not only from the Merovingian Kings, but lineal descent from King David himself. Both the king and the Pope acknowledged this pedigree. His son, Guillem de Gellone, was a great, almost legendary hero about whom no less than six medieval epics were written, including Wilehalm by Wolfram von Eschenbach. He is closely linked with the Grail family. His descendant, 17 generations later, was Godfroi de Bouillon, leader of the First Crusade who was, by the Pope, made King of Jerusalem. source: J.J. Collins, Sangraal, The Mystery of the Holy Grail
The Lorraine cross is the symbol of the Templars:

image is said to be Spanish Knights Templar
The origin of the double-barred  cross can be traced back to the crusades and the conquest of Jerusalem by Godefroy de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine. source: James A. Huston, Across the Face of France: Liberation and Recovery (pps. 161-162)
Godefroy also funded his crusade through a protection racket imposed on the Jewish communities in Cologne and Mainz, which he persecuted brutally until each town agreed to pay him five hundred pieces of silver to buy his bully boys off. This is hard to reconcile with Godefroy being not only of Jewish descent, but also fully cognizant of the fact. source: Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline (p.199)
Godefroy was a Jew descended from Theodoric,  the first king of Septimania. The soon to be King Philip VI has been made a Knight of the Order of the Seraphim by the nation of Sweden:

Not only does the insignia of the order contain the Lorraine cross at its four cardinal points, it also shows the motto of the Jesuit order in its very center:

I would probably never have made this post, but for the fact that while I was glancing at Prince Philip's wiki page I found something odd. This is the way it should appear with the Prince's photo their on the right:

But it seems that amidst the news of the king's abdication of the royal throne, knowing that many people around the globe would be interested and would be viewing the page someone took the opportunity to make a statement and replaced the image of Philip with that of his ancestor, King Felipe V the first Bourbon king of Spain:

Philip VI of Spain Wiki Page

The fact that the image of the king is upside down is significant and when I discover why you will be the first to know. The inscription of the scroll held by the creepy dude at the bottom right reads: "Don Felipe Quinto Rey de Espana," or Philip V King of Spain. Now, I tried to find this image on Google and I could not - maybe you can - but notice his right hand:


That's the Marrano hand sign again. I have spoken about this before: is this a statement by the artist, his subject or are they both in on the secret? And was Jesuit founder, Ignatius Loyla in on it?

Is John Kerry:

What does it mean? Well, not being an Illuminati insider I can only venture a guess and I would guess that it means this:

Sunday 1 June 2014

Rise Of The Falcon: Horus

If you have been watching the news about Ukraine, then you have probably seen this symbol:


It is the coat of arms of Ukraine:
The state coat of arms of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Державний Герб України) or commonly the Tryzub (Ukrainian: Тризуб, "trident") is the national coat of arms of Ukraine, featuring the same colors found on the Ukrainian flag; a blue shield with gold trident, called the tryzub, which means "three teeth." It means the triune God on earth and in heaven. It appears on the Presidential standard of Ukraine. Blue colored tridents are considered to be irregular representation by the Ukrainian Heraldry Society. source
When I first saw this "trident" it struck me that it is actually the diving dove that I have mentioned so often in this blog:  

Calvary Chapel

The O.T.O.

United Church of Canada

4th Degree Knights of Columbus


Jesus Is Lord Church

And for those of you who like to  leave anonymous comments about how this is all just paranoid hokem, the Ukraine symbol is indeed based upon the diving falcon:


From trident to falcon. There is no sure and definite interpretation of the symbol; however, most historians agree that it most probably depicts a stylized falcon which according to the Slavic mythology was the Primary god (Pershoboh). In Christianity, a descending falcon, just as dove (with head downwards, as in case of Ukraine´s trident) also symbolizes the Holy Spirit. This is the most likely explanation, as the symbol appears during the years surrounding the Christianization, and is furthermore identical to modern representations of the descending falcon. Depictions of a flying falcon with a cross above its head have been found in Old Ladoga, the first seat of Kievan Rurik dynasty, of Scandinavian lineage. Such a falcon, along with a cross are also featured on the coins of Olaf Guthfrithsson, Viking konung. Falconry for centuries has been a royal sport in Europe. The Gyrfalcon (known also as Norwegian falcon) was considered a royal bird and is mentioned (ukr.: кречет) in one of the earliest epics of Ruthenia, the 12th century poem The Tale of Igor's Campaign. Being a highly prized hunting bird of Kings and Emperors in the Middle Ages, the gyrfalcon is also the traditional symbol of Iceland, the land of Vikings. Every year, the Danish government sent a ship to Iceland to bring back gyrfalcons. A white gyrfalcon on a blue field was Iceland's coat of arms from 1903 until 1919, being depicted on the Icelandic royal flag. The Order of the Falcon remains as one of the highest presidential awards in Viking Iceland. It also features on the old Icelandic 5 krona banknote. Due to its rarity and the difficulties involved in obtaining it, in European falconry the Gyrfalcon was reserved for kings and nobles; very rarely was a man of lesser rank seen with a Gyrfalcon on his forearm. In 2011 the market value of one gyrfalcon is estimated at 30,000 - 50,000 USD. The descending "trident" form also represents the hunting action of the gyrfalcon, falling upon its prey. The interwoven spiral style of the Ukraine trident (stylized flying falcon) resembles the Jelling style, the Scandinavian animal art during the 10th century. The use of this symbol in Ukraine has been supplanted since the 11th century by the Christian tradition of using the images of the saints (most notably Saint George or Saint Michael) considered to be the protectors of the ruling family, and later by Galician or Cossack heraldic or cultural images. source
Did you see that: "The descending "trident" form also represents the hunting action of the gyrfalcon, falling upon its prey." Remember that when you see that dive bombing "dove" used to represent a church or denomination or anything else. You are nothing but prey to these foul (fowl?) satanists running the churches.

Now, to see who is behind all of this let's look back at who the falcon represents:

Eye of Horus

Horus was often the ancient Egyptians' national patron god. He was usually depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing the pschent, or a red and white crown, as a symbol of kingship over the entire kingdom of Egypt. source
There you have it. That is the secret behind all of these diving "doves": Horus worship.