Friday 13 September 2019

Masonic Terrorism

ISIS and Al Qaeda are Masonic cults. The creation of Al Qaeda marked the initiation of a Masonic Rite. It appears that what is being done with ISIS and Al Qaeda may be related to the Masonic 47th Problem of Euclid:
If we examine the prescription for the dimensions of a lodge room, as given by Mackey’s Masonic Encyclopedia, we find that a lodge should be an oblong square (we find further reference to the oblong square in Masonic Ritual) having dimensions such that it is 1/3 longer than it wide; in other words, a 3 X 4 rectangle, just like the one we obtain in our figure of proof by projecting the sides having lengths of 3 and 4 to produce an new rectangle.  The uncanny link to the 3, 4, 5 triangle and our lodge room becomes as they say, more and more mysterious when we consider that during circumambulation of the lodge[xix] (in some Masonic Jurisdictions) the EA circumambulates 3 times, the FC 4 times, and the MM 5 times.

When considered in the context of ancient beliefs and philosophies, the 3, 4, 5 triangle which is an integral part of the 47th Problem of Euclid has meanings and characteristics well beyond those commonly associated with its mathematical usage. One of these meanings is that the 3,4,5 triangle, which is central to the 47th Proposition represents the Philosophical Male, Female, and the union of the two (Offspring). This relationship is the basis for the Theosophy of the Trinity.  source
What could the Pythagorean Theorem (another name for the 47th Problem of Euclid) possibly have to do with manufactured terrorism you ask? Take note of the statement, "the 3,4,5 triangle, which is central to the 47th Proposition represents the Philosophical Male, Female, and the union of the two (Offspring)."

Our right triangle is the comprised of the base, the perpendicular and the hypotenuse.The Masonic Dictionary online makes clear what (who) the three sides of the right triangle symbolize:

...the equilateral triangle may be considered as one of the most constant forms of Masonic symbolism. The right-angled triangle is another form of this figure which is deserving of attention. Among the Egyptians, it was the symbol of universal nature; the base representing Osiris, or the male principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the female principle; and the hypotenuse, Horus, their son, or the product of the male and female principle. source
You still may be asking, "ok, those are some nice pics, but what does any of this have to do with false flag terror??" You have a good point. I am just laying the foundation for this next part. 

ISIS we already know because they just call  themselves ISIS outright and that constitutes our perpendicular. 

Next we have Al Qaeda: 
al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s. source
Al Qaeda is "the base" (Osiris) and ISIS is the perpendicular. 

All of the signs are pointing to the coming of the hypotenuse, Horus - the product of ISIS and Al Qaeda. And he may not be what you expect him to be because in these kinds of pairings the apple has been known to fall quite far from the tree.

While we are on this subject let's take a look at the Masonic Shriner's emblem:

In the Shriner's emblem we can see right away two elements from the Sirius hieroglyph: the star and dome or in this case a crescent. And we already know that this is related to Islam as well:

The star is Horus and the moon is Isis. The feature bearing Pharaoh's head in the center appears to be a keystone:
A keystone is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry vault or arch, which is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch to bear weight. source
Needless to say, the keystone is heavily masonic and akin to the capstone in the symbolism of its importance:

The Keystone Pipeline has been in the news for many years now. Way back in 2012 President Obama spoke in Cushing, Oklahoma:
On March 22 (322), 2012, Obama endorsed the building of the southern segment (Gulf Coast Extension or Phase III) that begins in Cushing, Oklahoma. The President said in Cushing, Oklahoma, on March 22, "Today, I'm directing my administration to cut through the red tape, break through the bureaucratic hurdles, and make this project a priority, to go ahead and get it done." source
Mr Obama was speaking in Masonic terms with the verbs cut, make and break:
When the rough ashlar is first taken from the quarry, the first tool applied to it, in the process of making it fit for its place, is the gavel....So it begins by using the Gavel, cutting away rough edges and breaking off ugly vices. source
Just like the Master Mason who uses the common gavel to break the corners off the rough ashlar to form the perfect ashlar, so the Royal Arch Mason learns to take the same common material to create a stone with a singular form and function. The keystone is both special with its shape but also with is placement. It is placed at the highest point of the archway and by its characteristics; it gives strength, and durability to the arch. The purpose of a Keystone is to impart to Royal Arch Masonry its durability and uniqueness. source
In Craft Masonry, each lodge has two stone cubes, known as 'Ashlars,' a rough, unpolished one on the Junior Warden's pedestal and the Perfect Ashlar on the Senior Warden's pedestal. Similar stones appear on the Mark Tracing Board....The Mark Degree utilizes the various shapes of stone required at the building - square and oblong ashlars and, most importantly the keystone for the sacred arch of the Temple. This keystone forms the jewel worn by Mark Masons. The placing of the keystone in the principal arch also prominently features in the Most Excellent Master degree. source:  Mike Neville,  Sacred Secrets: Freemasonry, the Bible and Christian Faith
It's not about oil at all. Look at the date March 22 (322), 2012 - or March = 3; 22 = 4(2+2); and 2012 = 5(2+1+2): that is our 47th Problem of Euclid 3-4-5! Isis,Osiris and Horus. They are waiting for the Keystone to be fashioned into his place. It is very likely that most if not all world leaders belong to masonic cults. When Pharaoh comes he will prove his identity and these world leaders will recognize him. They will give their power to him. 

This young boy in the well known Bank of America mural just could be the person that they have been waiting for:

Note the the left side of his face and upper torso (the heart) are within a traced right triangle:

The vertex of the base and the perpendicular is just beneath the sternum. This is the solar plexus and corresponds to the manipura chakra.

The symbol for the manipura chakra:

another depiction of this symbol:

Both symbols contain figures similar to the letter "T"

The Kundalini practices and the rites are Freemasonry are intimately connected, as noted by the most well know writes of Freemasonry:
Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic CHiram and the Kundalini of Hindu mysticism to warrant the assumption that CHiram may be considered a symbol also of the Spirit Fire moving through the sixth ventricle of the spinal column. The exact science of  human regeneration is the Lost Key of Masonry, for when the Spirit Fire is lifted up through the thirty-three degrees, or segments of the spinal column, and enters into the domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passes into the pituitary body (Isis), where it invokes Ra (the pineal gland) and demands the Sacred Name. Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened. E. A. Wallis Budge has noted that in some of the papyri illustrating the entrance of the souls of the dead into the judgment hall of Osiris the deceased person has a pine cone attached to the crown of his head. source: The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, An Encyclopedic Outline Of Masonic, Hermetic,Qabbalistic And Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy - Manly P. Hall 1928
"Chiram" referred to above is Hiram Abiff. The early Freemasons taught that Hiram was actually Nimrod and built the tower of Babel, thus becoming the first Mason.

The Baphomet depicts the top of the Caduceus in the location of the manipura chakra:

We may be one false flag away from learning the identity of the mystery man.

President Putin Is A New World Order Puppet

Claims that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were orchestrated by US intelligence agencies are "complete nonsense," Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told attendees of a youth forum.
­"This is complete nonsense, it is impossible," Putin said on Monday, responding to a question posed by an attendee of the Seliger 2011 youth forum.
"To imagine that US intelligence services did it deliberately, with their own hands, is complete nonsense," the prime minister said. “Only people who do not understand the workings of security agencies can say that. It would be impossible to conceal it.” source
Putin is a shill who is part of the same Saturn cult as the Western false flaggers and Sandy Hook players.

Putin will not to shock the sheeple with a wicked red pill chocked full of 911 truth.

Instead, he adds the subtle qualifier, "with their own hands."

They did not do it with their own hands, at least it does not appear as such. They used patsies who thought they were going for any airplane ride.

If anyone would know the truth and be in a position to speak out about it, it would be Putin. But the truth is that Russia has been run by the Synagogue of Satan for a long time. That is evident from the Masonic imagery that pervades Russia as much as the West. 

Communism was borne of the Babylonian Talmud and Marxism itself was named after its progenitor Karl Marx who was a Jew. 

In his poem "The Player" Marx reveals his satanic purpose:
The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain,
Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword? The prince of darkness sold it to me. 
For me beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.
In "The Pale Maiden" Marx writes:
Thus heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell.
And today in America we see the continuation of this philosophy in the words of another Talmudic Jew, Saul Alinsky:
Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.  source:  Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
This quote in one of three quotes that precedes the table of contents in the book. Later on in the book Alinsky says this on page 71:
The qualities we were trying to develop in organizers in the years of attempting to train them included some qualities that in all probability cannot be taught. They either had them, or could get them only through a miracle from above or below.
Do you recognize that phraseology: from above or below? That is from the Hermetic maxim "as above, so below." And did you recognize the term used for whom Alinsky is talking about: "organizers," as in "community organizers"?

The revisionists have worked hard to spin Marx just as they spin Disraeli's Coningsby, but don't you buy into the lies. Marx was a loyal member of the tribe not a self loathing break-away loner. The Russian Revolution was not a popular rebellion. It was Jewish revenge. And It never ended. You can see the fruit of Marx' vision in the work of these three men who followed his satanic tuition:

We could add Castro and many others to that lineup. Here is something that you may not have known about Mao: he had lots of Jews working with him:
From left to right: Israel Epstein, Minister of Appropriations in Maoist government; Solomon Adler, personal friend and translator of Mao Zedong. The man to the right of Mao is Frank Coe:
In 1958 Coe moved permanently to the People's Republic of China to work for the Maoist regime during the Great Leap Forward, culminating in what Chinese history recalls as the Three Years of Disasters. By 1959, Coe was writing articles justifying the infamous Rectification campaign. source
After World War II Coe was a leading official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1946 to 1952. Coe was a member of the Soviet spy group known as the Silvermaster ring. source
Mao was a Rothschild puppet. Frank Coe was the technical secretary at the Bretton Woods Conference and if you remember the posts with Christine Lagarde, then you may know that Bretton Woods created the IMF, which Lagarde heads today. Is it not interesting that it was created by known Soviet Jewish spies who worked with Mao Zedong (pulling his puppet strings)? One big, happy, incestuous family. Are you starting to catch on to why China owns over a trillion dollars of US debt?

There is disinfo all over the Internet about David Axelrod being Leon Trotsky's great grandson. There is a David Axelrod who was born in 1961 and currently lives in Israel and he is the great grandson of Trotsky. The other David Axelrod who served as a senior adviser to presidents Clinton and Obama has ample Jewish Communist ties to not have to bother with tying him to Trotsky. They are both Jewish. 

When I started this blog almost a year and a half ago I had no intention to talk about the Jews this and the Jews that, but this is a fact that I have had to confront that the Synagog of Satan is beyond any doubt a Jewish conspiracy and the End Time events are to a great extent a result of the sin of these people who reject the very God who made them a people.

Getting back to Putin's 911 statements, is this sarcasm:
Putin added that he could not imagine how "any of the current or former US leaders could have such an idea."
We know for a fact that most of the wars that America has fought have been based upon false flag operations and 911 itself was built upon the Northwoods plan. So, to say that he could not imagine how "any of the current or former US leaders could have such an idea" makes Mr Putin either a fool or a liar. And he is no fool. 

Mr Putin knows very well how such things can be concealed within agencies. There are cadres within cadres and compartmentalized clearances. Lack of communication was the CIA & FBI's excuse for both 911 and Boston, but mention conspiracy and they fall back on "someone surely would have talked."

Just another company man wholly owned by Mystery Babylon, Inc. 

I bet that their statisticians have worked out precisely what percentage of society will see through their ruses and their psyche docs have worked out precisely how to spin that too. They decided not to squelch the suspicious voices, but to marginalize and deride them. They throw in their own controlled opposition actors yelling loudest of all, some of them with bull-horns. Just make the whole "awakened" crowd look as crazy as scalded cat - and many of them are.

We discussed how that Al Qaeda means "the base." The real database is the network of zio-fascists around the world working together toward the 666 New World Order. They are the "Thousand Points of Light."

Someone, somewhere is pulling the strings of the One World Government that lurks behind the facade of the sovereign nations of the world. There is truly no power on this earth who can make war with this dark and hidden beast. When will it be revealed to us? You gotta wonder.

They think that they are winning, but they are just fulfilling God's Word. Hell awaits, gentlemen.