Thursday 20 June 2013

Israel's Site 911

Temple of Zeus/Jupiter

Site 911 that is being built by the United States in Israel. The contractor has 900 days from February 13, 2013 to complete the project. Counting back 11 days from the 13th we find the Pagan sabbat of Imbolg/Candlemas. Starting from this point the project has 911 days to complete placing the latest anticipated completion date on August 2, 2015, which is Lammas/Lughnasadh.

Site 911 may turn out to be nothing. The information on Site 911 is vague and sparse at this point. In fact there is more disinformation than information being put out. No one even knows exactly where the site is being built. There is one website that states Site 911 is being built at Beth Shemesh (the Temple of the Sun), but that website cites no source.

The focal point of this post is on the Pagan holidays that frame the contracting effort for Site 911 and the occult numerology that surrounds it. The Pentagon is a pentagon for a reason. Pagan symbols are all over Washington D.C. and America in general for a reason. Hollywood is the head-end for global Satanic propaganda distribution for a reason. America is Satan's mouthpiece in this age. If you are blinded by her false patriotism, then you need to wake up. She conned you. Occultists are everywhere within the US government and military. They weave their pagan systems into everything that America does. As you will see there are many connections to the occult woven into the Site 911 project; too many to be coincidence.

The Site 911 project is bounded by Imbolg at the beginning on February 2. And keep in mind that various traditions celebrate Imbolg/Lammas up to the 7th of February/August respectively. The official project award on February 13, 2013 gave the contractor 900 days to complete the project. Backing up 11 days to Imbolg provides the occult number of 911 days. The ending date is Lammas on August 2, which is exactly 30 months later  This 30 month time period is significant, as 911 days is precisely 2 years and 6 months or 30 months. Plug it into your Microsoft date calculator:

From Imbolg in 2013 to Lammas of 2015 there are exactly 21 Pagan holidays:

 Pagan Holidays 2-2-2013 to 8-2-2015

Pagan/Wiccan Wheel of the Year

The number 21 is significant because it points to the false god Zeus/Jupiter. The alchemical symbol for Jupiter is also used for the element tin and it looks like the number 21:

The occult recognizes the number three as representing Jupiter and within numerology the number 21 reduces to 3:
When the word Wicca is translated  into numbers and these are added the sum is seen as 21, which in turn is reduced to 3... source: Donald Lewis-High Correll, Witch School Second Degree: Lessons in the Correllian Tradition

One way in which letters can be translated to numbers within the occult is through the Pythagorean system, which is very simple:

Pythagorean number conversion chart 

So by the chart above the word Wicca translates to 21 in the following way:

Certain numbers such as 9, 11, 13 and multiples of 11 do not reduce.

w = 5  i = 9  c = 3  c = 3  a = 1  >  5 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 21   >  2 + 1 = 3 (the number of Jupiter)

If you Google "Wicca" together with "30 Months" you will get a great number of hits for pages stating that Wicca membership in the United States doubles every 30 months, which is to say that Wicca membership doubles with every 21 sabbats. This 30 month/21 sabbat pattern does seem to be important to the Pagan system. The solstices/equinoxes are also observed on the 21st of March, June, September and December. The number 30 also reduces to 3, the number of Jupiter.

The number 21 also represents the Crown of the Magi:
The Crown of the Magi: The Reward

This, the supreme Arcanum of Magism, is presented by a Garland of golden roses surrounding a star and placed in a circle around which are set at equal distances the heads of a man, a bull, a lion and an eagle. This is the sign with which the Magus decorates himself and has thus acquired a power limited only by his own intelligence and wisdom. source: Christian Pitois, Paul Christian, The History and Practice of Magic, Volume 1, 1952

The Crown of the Magi, for those who haven’t seen, it is a hexagram in whose points are inscribed the numbers 1-6 with the number 21 in the center. Around it are the heads of the four holy creatures with Man at the top, bull on the left, eagle on the right and lion at the bottom; this aligns it with the standard planetary hexagram based upon the tree of life with the exception the Sun and Moon are transposed.

21 is the mystic number of tiphereth, being the sum of the numbers 1-6. It is also the number of the Tarot card the universe, which is also called ‘The Crown of the Magi’ and also in several decks is surrounded by the four holy creatures. source

There is also an Aleister Crowley connection to the number 21 and Jupiter. 21 is the 7th octave of 3 and the 3rd octave of 7: 7 + 7 + 7. Crowley authored a series of papers collectively titled 777:
777 is one of the most prominent books of the Qabalah in the western esoteric tradition, alongside Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers' Kabbalah Unveiled, Israel Regardie's A Garden of Pomegranates and Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah.[citation needed] The Kabbalah however is a much earlier Jewish form of Torah commentary that was prominent in the sixteenth century via the book the Zohar.

The title refers to a lightning flash descending the diagrammatic worlds, the zig-zag pattern suggesting three diminishing 7s. source

So 777 represents lightning falling from heaven. To the occultist 777, 21, 3 and Jupiter all represent the fall of Satan in some fashion.

Jupiter/Zeus is a man and his number is 666. This idea of Jupiter being a man came out of my mind, but I am not the first:
Proclus, upon the Timaeus of Plato, among other Orphic verses, cites the following: "Jupiter is a man; Jupiter is also an immortal maid."  - Proclus in Timaeo - Nay, in the same commentary, and in the same page, we read that all things were contained IN THE WOMB OF JUPITER. source: Thomas Maurice, A Dissertation on the Oriental Trinities, 1800.

So, from Proclus we can derive three concepts of how Satan manifests in this world:

1. Jupiter was called a man by the Greeks. This being the case, the statement "number of a man" may be applied to Jupiter/Zeus.

2. Jupiter had hermaphroditic characteristics. The more recent implementation is Eliphas Levi's Baphomet. And we already established that Zeus/Jupiter is the horned god.

3. The "womb" of Jupiter was claimed to be the source of all things (Satan's stamp on God's creation). It is understood by modern science that the planet Jupiter is well capable according to certain models to have "given birth" to other planets in our solar system (link). The vesica piscis is actually the "Womb of Zeus":

Vesica piscis (womb) containing the O.T.O. Lamen

The occultists present their system of belief to the world in many formats. Much of it is obvious. They present the blatant truth to the world while at the same time using their control of media to say that what you are seeing is not what you are seeing. A good example of this is witch craft and gore in films. They openly flaunt their satanic symbols, philosophy and plans, while the other side of their face tells you that it is only harmless entertainment and that there is no conspiracy, but they can refer you to  a qualified therapist if you think there is. 

They also use techniques like reversing, inverting and mirroring to hide and layer meaning. One of the more clever techniques that they use to obscure their symbols from us profane is to use composites where they stitch together a symbol from parts of several other symbols.

The alchemical symbol for Jupiter/tin is widely accepted as bearing the appearance of the number 21, but you can see that it could also be seen as the number 24 or simply a 4. It is also worth noting the homophone of "tin" is "ten" or X, which is the Risen Osiris aka Horus. This Jupiter symbol also ties in nicely to 911 and the 9th of Av/Ab, as seen here:

I do not consider this relationship of design to be coincidence. Where the occult is concerned I tend to believe guilty until proven guilty.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Mysterious 911: Jupiter The Horned God


Various occult/pagan religious material will be shown in this post. It may look cobbled together (which it is), but it really is all connected. Some say that the illuminists who run the world are religiously eclectic because they want to accrete the power of the various occult systems and there probably is some truth to that. But also the Illuminati know that Satan is the power behind all religion. Different religious systems are utilized because different individuals and groups of people are better managed with different religious systems. Even atheism is a religious system that is based upon faith. And there is very real power within these systems. I may never speak openly about my own personal experiences with the spiritual powers that govern this world, but I will tell you that I have had personal encounters with them and if I was not a Christian I would have been in serious trouble. Even as a Christian I was taxed severely, but God used those experiences to open my eyes to the truth. Most people who live and die will never know that throughout their entire lives they are being controlled and manipulated in the minutest of details to the end that they are being funnelled directly into damnation. I can tell you that as a spiritual being that is without Christ you have absolutely no power to defend yourself. It is as though you are paralyzed and you have no way to fight these malevolent spiritual beings or stand against them in the least way. For the most part they are so subtle and so cunning and so complete is their power of delusion over this world that most human beings never suspect that they exist and are active even though (maybe because) there have been for centuries many like myself speaking out and warning the world. We are dismissed as mad.

The 8 Wiccan/occult holidays also know as sabbats:

Notice that the Pagan "Wheel of the Year" resembles many other symbols that we have studied:

Saint Peter's Square

 Star of Shamash

The eight-pointed star is also called the Star of Ishtar that is Venus, as we learned here.

This post shall focus upon two of the Pagan sabbats: Imbolg, also known variously as Imbolc or Imbolic; and Lughnasadh also called Lammas.

Brighid's cross

Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It has been suggested that it was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brighid and that it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brighid,

Irish imbolc derives from the Old Irish i mbolg "in the belly". This refers to the pregnancy of ewes.

The fact that Imbolg derives from "in the belly" hints to the fact that when Imbolg departs it leaves something "gestating".

The Roman Catholic Church Christianized Imbolg with the holiday Candlemas:
The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, which falls on 2 February, celebrates an early episode in the life of Jesus. In the Eastern Orthodox Church and some Eastern Catholic Churches, it is one of the twelve Great Feasts, and is sometimes called Hypapante (lit., 'Meeting' in Greek). Other traditional names include Candlemas, the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, and the Meeting of the Lord.  source

At Lammas, sometimes called Lughnasadh, it's time to celebrate the first harvest of the year, and recognize that the hot summer days will soon come to an end. The plants of spring wither and drop seeds to ensure future crops. Grains are ready to be harvested and the fruits are ripe for picking.  We can give thanks for the food on our tables.

Lughnasadh means the funeral games of Lugh (pronounced Loo), referring to Lugh, the sun god. However, the funeral is not his own, but the funeral games he hosts in honor of his foster-mother Tailte. For that reason, the traditional Tailtean craft fairs and Tailtean marriages (which last for a year and a day) are also celebrated at this time.

As autumn begins, the Celtic Sun God enters his old age, but is not yet dead. The God symbolically loses some of his strength as the Sun rises farther in the South each day and the nights grow longer.

The Christian religion adopted this theme and called it 'Lammas ', meaning 'loaf-mass ', a time when newly baked loaves of bread are placed on the altar. An alternative date around August 5 (Old Lammas), when the sun reaches 15 degrees Leo, is sometimes employed by Covens. source

First note that Imbolc and Lughnasadh were both "Christianized". This was done by the Catholic Church to deceive Christians into observing Pagan holidays. "Christianized" is a clever trick. Instead of Christianizing the Pagans Satan succeeds in Paganizing the Christians.

Imbolg is observed on either February 1 or 2 and varies from tradition to tradition. Candlemas is observed February 2. Lammas may be observed anytime between July 31 and August 2. Each of these may actually be celebrated over a festival of several days. Observance is reversed respectively in the Southern Hemisphere.

Imbolg and Lammas bear the roots of belonging to ancient religions dating back thousands of years and spanning the globe. These religions share symbolism, practice and holy dates. Even the characterizations of their deities are similar. This is to be expected, since the devil is the progenitor of them all.
The Horned God is one of the two primary deities found in some neopagan, especially Wiccan, religions; also known as Cernunnos, Pan (god), the Green Man and Herne the Hunter. He represents the male part of the religion's duotheistic theological system, the other part being the female Triple Goddess or other Mother Goddess. source

This horned god and mother goddess duo is a reflection of Nimrod and Semaramis. In The Two Babylons Alexander Hyslop connects Nimrod and Semiramis and Tammuz to many trios such as Osiris, Isis and Horus. Hyslop has been criticized for connecting religious traditions that have no connection to one another, but those who are of this opinion are blind to the fact that the same fallen angels and the same Satan are behind all religion on earth. If you believe your Bible, then you will expect there to be connections between false gods.

"Horned god" Baphomet

"Green man" Osiris

The "horned god" is Zeus/Jupiter Ammon:

The seasonal cycle is imagined to follow the relationship between the Horned God and the Goddess.The Horned God is born in winter, impregnates the Goddess and then dies during the autumn and winter months and is then reborn by the Goddess at Yule. The different relationships throughout the year are sometimes distinguished by splitting the god into aspects, the Oak King and the Holly King. The relationships between the Goddess and the Horned God are mirrored by Wiccans in seasonal rituals. There is some variation between Wiccan groups as to which sabbat corresponds to which part of the cycle. Some Wiccans regard the Horned God as dying at Lammas, August 1; also known as Lughnasadh, which is the first harvest sabbat.

Other important dates for the Horned God include Imbolc when, according to Valiente, he leads a wild hunt. In Gardnerian Wicca, the Dryghten prayer is recited at the end of every ritual meeting contains the lines referring to the Horned God:

In the name of the Lady of the Moon, and the Horned Lord of Death and Resurrection. source

Birth at "Yule" is another reference to Nimrod and resurrection from the dead also points to Nimrod, as well as to Osiris.

It is an old idea that in the times of famine, the king, as the people’s emissary, would be sacrificed to bring about the harvest.
…Dr. Margaret Murray and others, including Gerald Gardner, hypothesized that this legend has been played out over and over by real kings in British History. They thought that royal blood had been spilled to defend England against the Spanish Armada and that Thomas Becket had been a surrogate for a sacred king. In one of his books, Gardner even writes about England’s witches gathering for a huge ritual during World War II to repel Hitler. Source: Thea Sabin, Wicca for Beginners, pps. 165,166

The event that Sabin refers to with Gardner during World War II pertains to a group of English witches who gathered in the New Forest to perform a ritual to shield Britain from a German attack. The date of the meeting is obscure, but it was sometime between July 31 and August 2, 1940. Some sources place the meeting at Rufus Stone in the New Forest. The Rufus Stone marks the location where the Son of William the Conqueror is thought to have died in 1100. Some, including Gerald Gardner claim that King William II known as Rufus the Red was the last king to be sacrificed on Lammas. Rufus was king for 13 years and died in 1100. His father, William the Conqueror, Died on September 9, 1087 and was buried on September 11, 1087 (9/11). Note that the sacrificial king is called the “red king” and also that a surrogate may die in his stead.

At this time it is necessary to add that what follows is highly speculative and may be changed or deleted depending upon what further developments take shape with the Site 911 project. What follows will be based upon the known facts at the time of this writing and any connections or implications to be made are strictly up to the reader. I have not made my mind up yet, but we are commanded to keep watch and this one definitely bears watching.

Site 911 is a military facility that is being conctructed in Israel at an Israeli Air Force base outside of Tel Aviv. The project is being paid for by the United states and the project is being managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Award of a Firm Fixed Price contract for the construction of a below-grade facility consisting of five (5) levels and the construction of six (6) additional above grade buildings in Israel.

Contract Award Dollar Amount: $62,388,649.68
Contract Line Item Number: 0001 through 0011
Awardee: Conti Corp Federal Services; Edison, NJ
Award: Feb 13, 2013, 7:29 am

The estimated magnitude of construction is between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000. The maximum contract duration of construction is anticipated to be 900 calendar days from Notice to Proceed.

The contractor has 900 days from February 13, 2013 to complete the project. Counting back 11 days from the 13th we find the Pagan sabbat of Imbolg/Candlemas. Starting from this point the project has 911 days to complete placing the latest anticipated completion date on August 2, 2015, which is Lammas/Lughnasadh.

The logo of the contract awardee, Conti, is a very obvious crescent moon:

The crescent is the symbol for the true deity of modern masonic Israel: ISIS.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers European Office is managing the Project. The FBO site seems to be missing information and has not been updated. Back in March President Obama visited Israel for the first time since he became President. He may have been there in part to personally oversee the commencement of the project. I have seen a bungled story on the Internet about Site 911 being outed as a missile base. I believe this to be disinformation.

Keep in mind that Solomon's Temple and the Temple of Herod were both destroyed on 911, the 9th of Av. So what do you think Site 911 may have in common with them other than a few numbers?