Sunday 9 August 2020

There has been great interest in this card over the years. People instinctively know that it is important and that it means something.

"Tape Runs Out" is one of the enigmatic cards within the Illuminati New World Order (INWO) game card set. 

The card reads:
 . . . When the Rapture comes, I'll make em wait! They'll never clean my cage! Now give me some more of . . . (Tape runs out) Good try. Too bad something went wrong.


To interpret the card you need a high resolution copy and not the grainy ones found all about. Note the dashed line at the top of this high res version:

Look closer:

That line of white dots looks like something we have seen in the sky lately: Starlink

Starlink is a satellite constellation development project underway by American company SpaceX, to develop a low-cost, high-performance satellite bus and requisite customer ground transceivers to implement a new space-based Internet communication system. SpaceX also plans to sell satellites that use a satellite bus that may be used for military, scientific or exploratory purposes. source
What is Starlink really for?

On to the card.

First, we shall cut the card in half.

First we shall mirror the right side:

This produces a "SKULL AND BONES":

Look closer:

It is a skull and bones over the Asian continent. What does that mean?

Speaking of Skull and Bones:

If Bush is a Christian, then why is he Skull & Bones? 

Read my lips: because he is not a Christian.

And what other connections does Bush have to INWO? 
Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush early Tuesday, replacing a photo of the Texas governor with a bright red hammer and sickle...The campaign's NT machines are co-located at Austin-based Illuminati Online, which says it hosts 2,000 customer Web sites. "The George W. Bush machines are not under our control. They maintain everything on those machines," said an Illuminati Online engineer. Bush The Red
And who owned Illuminati Online? Steve Jackson, creator of INWO cards. He was raided by Secret service in 1990, nine years before the Illuminati Online Bush campaign site was hacked in April 1999. 

By the way, Jackson won his lawsuit against the Secret Service for the 1990 raid (Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v  United States Secret Service)

Next, when we turn the right side upside down we see who is behind it all. 

The Great Dragon:

Look closer:

Now the left side:

Turn the mirrored left side upside down to reveal the Great Dragon's chosen patsy, Antichrist:

Look Closer:

Two horns like a lamb.

But he spake as a dragon. 

Coming out of the sea.

Going in to the lake of fire.