Thursday 22 August 2019

Iridium Apocalypse Part 3


Notice the phrase "When East Meets West" - an allusion to the Knights of the East And West 17th Degree of the Scottish Rite:

17th Degree of the Scottish Rite
The collision destroyed both Iridium 33 (owned by Iridium Communications Inc.) and Kosmos 2251 (owned by the Russian Space Forces). While the Iridium satellite was operational at the time of the collision, the Russian satellite had been out of service since at least 1995 and was no longer actively controlled. source
The 2009 destruction of Iridium (Rainbow) 33 was quite an event. It is also interesting that it was #33 that was sacrificed. And like the phoenix, one of the standby satellites rose to take the place of the ill fated Iridium 33. Iridium is yet another masonic ritual - taking the place of "33" antichrist.

But what is it about the rainbow and Freemasonry? We have seen that the rainbow bridge is also Jacob's ladder, which is often depicted in masonry:


Some New Age texts describe the pituitary and pineal glands as the 6th and 7th chakras, respectively, while others reverse it. They also describe one or the other gland as the "third eye." Some sources state that both glands comprise the third eye. The activation of the third eye is accomplished by creating a line of communication between the two called the antahkarana, also known as the rainbow bridge. Remember that there are 7 chakras just as there are seven steps in Jacob's ladder. Previously we discussed how that in the film Thor, Thor tells Jane that she needs a rainbow bridge.  Later in the film the rainbow bridge/Bifrost is shattered separating Thor from Jane. New Age authors describe the pineal gland as masculine and the pituitary as feminine. The film Thor metaphorically depicting the antahkarana rainbow bridge between the 6th and 7th chakras in the Bifrost being shattered separating Thor from Jane:


The relationship between the 6th and 7th chakras is also evident in the Iridium network originally have been intended to be composed of 77 satellites, but then falling back to 66. The rainbow bridge to Lucifer was cut off. The NWO is not yet fully implemented. It will only last 42 months when it is.

Oblivion is another film connected to Jacob's ladder and the stairway to Heaven. The lead character, played by Tom Cruise, is named Jack Harper. Jack is a form of the name Jacob and angels have long been depicted as harpers:


So Jack Harper is both Jacob and the angel and just as the angel wrestled with Jacob, Jack Harper wrestles with himself in the film as he tries to grasp the meaning of the flashbacks he is continually having from a life that he cannot recall. And just as Jacob saw the angels descending from on high, so to does Jack Harper descend from station 49 (7x7/13) on high.

In one scene Jack breaks off contact with his partner in order to perform a "perimeter check." But instead, Jack heads to a secluded cabin that he has found in a pristine wooded area. He plays an old LP. The song is "Ramble On" from the album "Led Zepplin II." Led Zepplin is most famous for the single "Stairway to Heaven" from the album "Led Zepplin IV." Stairway to Heaven fits right in with the subject matter:


The occult stairway to heaven is Jacob's ladder and the rainbow bridge. It is the third eye (eye of Horus). These devil worshipers have polluted God's holy Word by co-opting Jacob's ladder to describe their methodology for communion with demons.

The Led Zeppelin IV album is also referred to by four symbols that the band states each correspond to a member of the band:

Led Zeppelin ZOSO

 The first symbol is  that of Jimmy Page:

Page stated that he designed his own symbol and has never publicly disclosed any reasoning behind it. However, it has been argued that his symbol appeared as early as 1557 to represent Saturn. The symbol is sometimes referred to as "ZoSo", though Page has explained that it was not in fact intended to be a word at all. source
So, there is the Saturn connection.

Cruise is a victim of Scientology. The "S" in Page's symbol is reminiscent of the Scientology symbol, which also contains 2 triangles:

The other symbol of Scientology, a cross, is none other than the pagan wheel of the year used so oft by the Universal Church:


Oblivion concludes with Jack entering the "Tet," a tetrahedral space ship that is stationed above the earth. He destroys the Tet and himself with it. Once again, like the phoenix from the ashes, a clone of Jack reunites with Jack's wife who has been living at the cabin. The male and female unite: antahkarana achieved: rainbow bridge completed: third eye opened. Just like the Iridium network, out of destruction (of Iridium 33) a new Jack was able to rise up and complete the masculine/feminine connection. I know, Iridium may be a stretch at this point, but that is what brought us here to begin with. It is a distinct possibility that those who engineered Iridium were in fact adherents to New Age chakra/third eye opening/rainbow bridge witchcraft and this influenced the names and numerology of their creations. Many of those in high tech were and are, like Steve Jobs:


Notice that the 1976 logo has six rainbow layers and then the 7th is the leaf. Is this an allusion to the 6th and 7th chakras? Jobs journeyed to India when he was younger seeking "spiritual enlightenment." He spent 7 months there. He was professed to be a Zen Buddhist and with Zen Buddhism there is much debate on the third eye and chakras. Some teach it and others do not. It does appear that there is certainly a definite analog to the third eye within Zen Buddhism and of course individual adherents engage is varied activities that may not be officially recognized. Did Jobs open his third eye? I say he did.

Oddly enough the symbol of Buddah's teaching is the Dharmachakra, another 8-spoked wheel:

Notice the 666 yin yang fish in the center. I have no doubt that Buddah was possessed with the devil.

There was some controversy of the Led Zepplin song, Stairway to Heaven. Allegations were made that back-masking had been employed in order to encode a satanic message within the lyrics of the song that could only be discerned consciously when the song was played backwards: 
Oh here's to my sweet Satan. 
The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. 
He'll give those with him 666. 
There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan. source
The record company and the group issued statements on the allegations, but none of them denied that the message was there. It would not surprise me if they had in fact outed themselves. 

This is coming, people: 666. God could release him at any time.

Are you ready?