Monday 1 September 2014

ISIS Al Qaeda False Flag Mess

Many people are beginning to question why TPTB are being so obvious with the false flags and staged shootings. They are asking why TPTB are risking exposure. The true PTB are not risking anything. The true PTB cannot be touched because they are spiritual beings. They are using these ridiculous hoaxes to test humanity and to determine if humanity is ready for the Great Deception of the End Time. 

The mark.

TPTB control Iran. Iran is a tool of global propaganda. 

Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad told the truth about 911:
Addressing the General Assembly, he said it was mostly U.S. government officials and statesmen who believed al Qaeda Islamist militants carried out the suicide hijacking attacks that brought down New York's World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon.

Another theory, he said, was "that some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy, and its grips on the Middle East, in order to save the Zionist regime." Ahmadinejad usually refers to Israel as the "Zionist regime."

Ahmadinejad raised a third theory about the attacks, saying: "It was carried out by a terrorist group, but that the American government supported and took advantage of the situation. Apparently this viewpoint has fewer proponents."  source
But he also told some lies:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the United Nations Thursday most people believe the U.S. government was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001, prompting the U.S. delegation to leave the hall in protest.  source
Some dark faction within the American government did execute 911 with aid and support from Israel. That is my opinion after looking at the situation for many years. But contrary to Mr Ahmadinejad's statements, Most people do not believe this. Most people buy into the lies and propaganda. Most people are afraid of the truth, which is that America executed a 40 year old plan called Northwoods with a bit of modification. 

The US created Al Qaeda to fight the Russians in the 1980s. Then, in the 1990s Al Qaeda becomes public enemy #1 when Osama ostensibly tries to blow up the World Trade Center. 

Do you remember the footage of Ramzi Yousef in custody in the helicopter flying over Manhattan and the WTC:
As an FBI helicopter took him to a cell on Manhattan, Bill Gavin, the head of the FBI in New York, leant forward and eased Yousef's blindfold away from his eyes. "Look down there," he said to Yousef, gesturing towards the twin towers. "They're still standing." Yousef squinted and looked out of the window. "They wouldn't be if I had had enough money and explosives," he replied defiantly.  source
Osama provided funding and support for Yousef. Osama would go on to be called the mastermind of 911. 

Bill Clinton made himself look like a real hero with this statement:
I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. source
The US cares so much about innocent men, women and children:
More than 300,000 DU rounds are estimated to have been fired during the 2003 Iraq war, the vast majority by US forces. A small fraction were from UK tanks, the coordinates for which were provided to the UN Environment Programme. A further 782,414 DU rounds are believed to have been fired during the earlier conflict in 1991, mostly by US forces.
The Democratic congressman, Jim McDermott, is now urging the US Department of Defence to publish all its DU firing coordinates. "These weapons have had terrible health ramifications for Iraqi civilians," he said. "The least the US could do is provide the specific targeting data so the Iraqi government can begin the complex clean-up process." source
The U.S. drone program under President Barack Obama reached its fifth anniversary on Thursday having tallied up an estimated death toll of at least 2,400 people....In Pakistan alone, TBIJ estimates, between 416 and 951 civilians, including 168 to 200 children, have been killed. source
The American Government has never cared about civilian casualties and it sure as bleep did not change its policy under President Cigarillo.

In 2001 Osama and the Al Qaeda troupe of players were used to front the justification for the run up to Iraq. Fast forward to Syria and Libya starting in 2011 when the US begins openly arming and funding Al Qaeda:
Reuters reported Wednesday that President Obama “signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government.” 
Providing sophisticated weaponry to the rebels may aid their cause, but it also could assist America’s enemies. The State Department recently confirmed that al Qaeda fighters are moving into Syria from Iraq and elsewhere, and the terror group will seek to exploit the chaos, as it has done with the Arab Spring violence. source
Obama and Hillary get their directions from the CFR. CFR member and Israeli puppet John McCain is on the forefront of securing American funding and support for Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya:

In May, earlier this year, Senator John McCain went on a secret trip to Syria to meet with rebel leaders of the Free Syrian Army fighting in opposition to Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Government. Once McCain returned home photos surfaced of his trip claiming that he met with ‘known terrorists,’ members of the ‘rebel’ group, Northern Storm brigade, some say an adjunct of the Free Syrian Army, and responsible for kidnapping 11 Lebanese Shiite pilgrims in Syria.

Lebanon’s Al Jadeed TV station, which is viewed as sympathetic to Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group fighting FOR Assad in Syria, broke the original story. 9 of the 11 Shia kidnapped are still being held, but one of the released captives identified Mohammed Nour, chief spokesman and photographer and Ammar Al-Dadikhi as part of Northern Storm’s leadership and again as the two men standing beside John McCain in this picture.

The Daily Star thankfully cleared the air on one name, Ammar Al-Dadikhi or Abu Ibrahim, the former leader of the Northern Storm Brigade, was actually wounded and allegedly died in Turkey months before the photo was taken. And Mouaz Moustafa, executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, an American nonprofit that helped organize the McCain trip said “Nobody self-identified as Nour, and none of the guys who were standing outside were in the meeting with [John] McCain.” The only problem is while Abu Ibrahim the OLD leader of Northern Storm, was missing and presumed dead as The Daily Star reported its NEW leader, Samir Aluan, who’s organization still holds the 9 Shia Muslims WAS in the meeting with Senator McCain – just not in the picture outside. And as far as Mohammed Nour and his lack of self-identification are concerned, it’s hard to envision a scenario in which he would be toting around his “I am a known terrorist” badge.

In April of 2011 on a visit to Benghazi, Libya, John McCain claimed that the “brave fighters’ he met with were “not al Qaeda. To the contrary. They are Libyan Patriots who want to liberate their nation.” In an NPR interview that same month McCain said, ‘They are my heroes.” AFP reported not a year later, after Gaddafi was overthrown and Libya was in shambles, that Senator McCain and Lindsey Graham met with Abdel Hakim Belhadj one of the rebellion’s leading figures and then head of the Tripoli military council. Belhadj prior to and during the revolution lead the now defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group a confirmed affiliate of al-Qaeda and responsible for the deaths of U.S. military personnel in Iraq during the occupation according to an authoritative 2007 US Military Academy report. source
America was pretending not to notice that is was providing assistance to Al Qaeda when it was supposedly arming them to fight Assad. But now America is talking about fighting the people that they armed to fight Assad. Here is what Israeli puppet Rand Paul said about it:
"We have been fighting alongside al Qaeda, fighting alongside ISIS," he said. "ISIS is now emboldened and in two countries. But here's the anomaly. We're with ISIS in Syria. We're on the same side of the war. So, those who want to get involved to stop ISIS in Iraq are allied with ISIS in Syria. That is real contradiction to this whole policy." source
And now we have headlines like this:

Hagel: Islamic State bigger threat than al-Qaida ever was, raises possibility of Syria airstrikes

So the US is arming everyone, fighting everyone and allied with everyone. What does it mean?
Jeremiah 9:2  Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men. 3  And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD. 4  Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. 5  And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. 6  Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.
Get ready for the next false flag. That is what it means.

edit: ISIS is the false flag.

Iran is controlled opposition. By placing the truth in the mouth of Iran the truth is made to stink. The brainwashed sheeple will never accept what Ahmadinejad has said because of the source. Setting the world up in this way greatly enhances the power of propaganda. Controlling all of the chess pieces; controlling the entire board - it opens up a whole new world of mind control possibilities. For one, no one can believe that the entire world could be controlled by a central power, especially with so much apparent chaos and discord.  The nature of the world is spiritually discerned. The truth has been weaponized (like the occult) and most of the world is defenseless.

2000 years to consolidate power and 2000 years to perfect mass mind control.