Sunday, 4 May 2014

MH370 Black Swan 666 Precursor Event

The Bermuda Antipodal Triangle is an area of the Indian Ocean that is exactly opposite to the Bermuda Triangle off the south eastern coast of the United States:
In geography, the antipodes (/ænˈtɪpədiːz/; from Greek: ἀντίποδες, from anti- "opposed" and pous "foot") of any place on Earth is the point on the Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points that are antipodal /ænˈtɪpədəl/ to each other are connected by a straight line running through the centre of the Earth. source

Antipodes are interesting for many reasons. It is thought that in a major impact the seismic waves from the impact can travel through the planet rippling through the solid surface and meeting up at the antipodal point on the opposite side to inflict incredible damage in a location that would seem to be safe from the immediate effects of an impact:
In the northern part of the Tharsis volcanic province is Alba Mons also known as Alba Patera. It is a unique volcanic structure for several reasons. The volcano features unnaturally low slopes formed by numerous and extensive lava flows. Its slopes are a mere 0.5 degrees. It has a double caldera feature with the central figure being 350 km wide and 1.5 km high. Flows from Alba Mons seem to extend 2,000 km north-south and 3,000 km east-west. The widespread flows make this one of the largest volcanoes in the Solar System by area. Some scientist point to the volcano’s antipodal location to the Hellas impact basin as a possible reason its formation. Seismic waves from the impact may have traveled through the planet causing a weakening of the crust at the point of origin for Alba Mons. source

Martian Topography, note Hellas Planitia the deep blue crater situated at 45°S 70°E is antipodal to Alba Mons the largest volcano in the solar system located at 42°N 252°E Science Magazine, ~2000. source 
There is no impact crater or volcano at the Bermuda Triangle or its southern counterpart that we know of. But there is a strange anecdotal relationship. The MH370 disappearance will no doubt serve to ad much lore to the Australian Triangle's story. 

The Bermuda Triangle lies to the south east of the United States:

The antipodal coordinates produce this location for the Australian Triangle:

Note that "C" is the location where the Chinese patrol ship is alleged to have picked up a pulse consistent with the black box from MH370:

On day 29 of the search for Flight MH370, a series of "pings" from the depths of Indian Ocean appeared to constitute the first solid lead.
A Chinese survey vessel, Haixun 01, heard a pulse with a frequency of 37.5kHz per second – identical to the standard signal used by the locator beacon of a flight recorder.

At that moment, the ship was located west of the Australian coast – and north of the main search area – at the coordinates 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude.
The coordinates for the location of the Haixun 01 when it detected the pulse were 25S/101E, which is just barely inside the triangle and very near to the Miami antipode.

Note that the southeastern point of the Australian Triangle is Perth, Australia. Perth is know for black swans:

Perth Coat of Arms

Flag of Western Australia

Coast of Arms of Western Australia

"Black Swan" is a well known term within the science of probability and statistics:
The London expression derives from the Old World presumption that all swans must be white because all historical records of swans reported that they had white feathers. In that context, a black swan was impossible or at least nonexistent. After Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh discovered black swans in Western Australia in 1697,  the term metamorphosed to connote that a perceived impossibility might later be disproven. Taleb notes that in the 19th century John Stuart Mill used the black swan logical fallacy as a new term to identify falsification.
Taleb asserts:What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with the following three attributes.First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme 'impact'. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable.  source
Was MH370 a Black Swan Event:
Even if Flight 370 is the ultimate one-off, aviation safety advocates say there are lessons to be learned from this tragedy, starting with the need for tamper proof equipment that would stream data in real time to satellites and reveal a plane’s position.
This could well be the kind of ‘black swan’ event that requires everybody to carry a location device,” said Chris McLaughlin, senior vice president of Inmarsat, the satellite company that helped calculate the likely flight corridor of the missing plane.  source
"This could well be the kind of ‘black swan’ event that requires everybody to carry a location device?" 

Well, we have found the black swans, but will they ever find the black boxes?

You can get antipodal coordinates here: link

You can enter multiple points into a Google map here: link