Friday 2 August 2019

The Pyramid is a Representation of Hell

You see this symbol everywhere in society. You cannot avoid seeing it. It is on every dollar bill. It is the Great Seal of the United States of America.

It is also HELL right in your face.

Those who end up in hell will be tormented by this and other taunts that Satan has planted everywhere in our world. The lost and dying world is blind to the meaning of it all.

The pyramid was built as a tomb for the Pharaoh - as his kingdom in the afterlife. 

The Pharaoh was believed to be Horus in the flesh.

Horus is Satan.

So the pyramid is the afterlife kingdom of Satan and it is the eye of Satan that sits atop the pyramid.

Just imagine billions of souls poured into the top of the pyramid then the devil and his angels stuffed in with them. Then the cap is sealed and the whole lot is cast into fire.

Every time you see that despicable image of the pyramid you should know that it is Satan mocking the world with an image of the future of mankind without Christ.