Wednesday 18 September 2019

Mysterious 911 Part 1: The Beer Hall Putsch

The Blood Order (German: Blutorden), officially known as the Decoration in Memory (of the Munich putsch) of 9 November 1923 (German: Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 9. November 1923), was one of the most prestigious decorations in the Nazi Party. Instituted in March 1934, the medal is solid silver, with the obverse bearing a depiction of an eagle with a wreath in its talons, with the date 9.Nov. within the wreath and the inscription München 1923-1933 to the right. The reverse bares a picture of the Feldherrnhalle in Munich (where the coup ended in defeat), a swastika and the inscription: UND IHR HABT DOCH GESIEGT ("...and you were victorious after all"). source
On 9 November (911) 1923 Adolf Hitler attempted and failed to over throw the Weimar Republic government in what was called the Munich Putsch and also the Beer Hall Putsch. This was the basis of the Blood Order decoration given by the Nazi Party to its most honored state heroes. 

The Munich Putsch, far from being a setback to the goals of the Nazis (and their shadowy Illuminati controllers), served as a launching point for Nazi ideology and also as a sort of occult humiliation ritual that Hitler's masters used to increase his power and solidify his place in the public mind. 

Hitler served less than a year in prison, during which time he wrote Mein Kampf with the assistance of his secretary, Rudolf Hess. By the time Hitler took power in 1933 he had earned approximately $25,000,000 (in today's dollars) from sales of Mein Kampf. 

Tell a lie...tell it big...keep telling it. People will buy anything.