Monday 12 August 2019

The Emerging Church: Apostate Christianity of the New Age

The New Age movement incorporates a wide constellation of occult beliefs and practices. As mentioned previously in this blog, Alice Bailey was a key instrument in popularizing the New Age and Theosophical teachings. Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley was another key figure that has been named here. Helena Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike are other obvious picks. I would go so far as to add Ellen G. White, Charles Taze Russell, Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith and many others who were just satanists posing as Christians.

Since the days of these luminaries of darkness the New Age has evolved greatly. It has simultaneously grown far more prevalent and visible, while yet becoming more embedded within the Christian churches and occulted with clever twisting of the scriptures and dumbing down of the flock. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear know that Alice Bailey's writings on the convergence of the churches and the occult groups is a fulfilled reality:
In the esoteric group, which is composed of the true spiritual esotericists found in all exoteric occult groups, in the church, by whatever name it may be called, and in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. As yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate--when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood--will be the utilisation of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of the esoteric societies. Three types of men have their need met, three major rays are expressed, and the three paths to the Master are trodden, leading all three to the same portal and the same Hierophant. source: Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 1957
The New Age movement IS the Emerging Church. And the Emerging Church IS Alice Bailey's new universal religion. At least that is the way things appear to me at this point in time. It is definitely part of the plan. The intent is to lead the world to the false Christ:
I would point out that when I use the phrase "followers of the Christ" I refer to all those who love their fellowmen, irrespective of creed or religion. – Alice A. Bailey
I happen to know people who are followers of Christ in other religions. – Rick Warren
I have included a large section below from a book by Robert Pye. Pye's characteristics of the New Age Emerging Church need to be widely disseminated because you will find these concepts being spread in every Christian denomination and church across America and the world today:

New Age Characteristics:


1. Soul is divine. Man is a god but does not know it. Only the body dies. Death is natural.


2. There is no need for salvation since no-one is damned. Man is not fallen and has no need to repent. He is on earth to gain experience. The Supreme Being never intended that even a single soul would perish. All are going back to the high heavenly worlds, at their own pace.


3. God never judges man. All men are basically good but lacking in spiritual maturity. An impersonal law of cause and effect is in operation which helps to bring man to maturity. We reap only what we sow. The law of karma is impartial,mechanical and universal. All souls eventually work through all of their karma and reach the high levels of heaven.


4. The universe is filled with a spiritual energy which is both supremely intelligent and infinitely creative. This is the Force (cosmic energy, cosmic intelligence,universal spirit, prana, mana, elan vital, prakriti, manitou, etc).

New Age methods for contacting the Force

5. A New Ager can contact the Force in three ways: (a) imagination or visualization;(b) meditation, contemplation or yoga, and (c) specific rituals such chanting, sacred dance, rosaries, ascetic practices, invocations, astrology (including rites linked to astrological charts or the astrological calendar), mandalas, vision quests, shamanic rites, and the use of charged objects such as talismans and crystals.


6. All creation is dualistic, yin-yang or a blend of positive and negative. Thus everything must balance. Balance leads to harmony. Spiritual growth comes through the harmonisation of opposites and inner balance. There are many levels of creation,the ‘Earth Plane’ being but one of them.

Changing one’s reality

7. The Force is responsive to our thoughts. Thoughts are ‘things’. To change his reality the New Ager believes he must change his fundamental thinking processes.This is sometimes referred to as a change in consciousness.


8. The New Age movement attaches great importance to degrees and initiations. Each degree or initiation is meant to lift one into a higher level of consciousness. The promise that he will ‘take the next step’ if he persists along the path is a key motivating factor for every New Ager.

Unity of Consciousness

9. Even though all things are dualistic in manifestation, the whole of creation is spiritually One, a unified field of pure consciousness.

Good and Evil are Relative

10. Since everything is one, good and evil are only relative terms. Therefore we should not judge or condemn others since they are operating from within their own level of consciousness. At some stage they will gain enough ‘experience’ to make a leap in consciousness and advance to a higher level.

Soul’s journey over many lives

11. Soul reincarnates over many lifetimes in order to gain enough ‘experience’ to reach the level of spiritual maturity known as ‘God Consciousness’ or ‘GodRealization.’ There are even levels beyond this which only the most spiritually advanced souls or Masters can reach.

Living and Ascended Masters

12. The New Age teaches that soul was extremely immature when it first came to earth. Then the cycle of reincarnation began and it gradually ‘unfolded’ into higher levels of consciousness. The Supreme Being (who is NEVER identified with the Lord God of the Bible) arranged for some highly evolved souls to come back to earth to ‘guide’ the evolution of mankind. These are often referred to as ‘Masters.’ Jesus is usually portrayed as a ‘master’ but not a very high one.

Age of Aquarius

13. The so-called Masters are trying to lift mankind as a whole to the level where all violence and discord are universally banished. The divinely ordained threshold,known as the Age of Aquarius, is fast approaching where mankind will make this momentous leap in Cosmic evolution. Peace and tolerance will reign everywhere.However some members of mankind will resist this quantum transition into a higher state of being. They will cling to the old ways. In doing so they will prove themselves unfit or unworthy to receive this new state of consciousness. Their resistance may even pose a threat to the rest of mankind by contaminating the planetary consciousness. If this is the case then they will have to be removed, relocated or re-educated (depending on the branch of the New Age one follows).

Man cannot communicate personally with God

14. The Masters are one’s only bridge to the Supreme Being. The Absolute is utterly unknowable by puny man. Only the Masters have seen and spoken with the Supreme Being. Thus man can only communicate with the Force and with the Masters until he has unfolded spiritually to a sufficiently high level where direct contact with the Supreme Being becomes possible.

Experiencing the Light

15. There are different ways a New Ager can determine whether he is advancing spiritually. Chief among these is seeing the inner Light. The Light is considered the radiant love of the Supreme Being. The purpose of each new initiation or degree is to bring more Light into the life of the individual.Note: This is also the case in Freemasonry, which is an older form of Satanic deception and purveyor of the same set of lies. The ‘light’ of the New Age is actually the light of Lucifer, the Light Bearer (The name Lucifer actually means Light Bearer or Light Giver). Christ referred to this counterfeit light when he gave the following warning to his disciples:

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23) [NKJV]

Christianity is outmoded and potentially harmful

16. Many branches of the New Age teach, often in a subtle way, that Christianity is the main barrier to the evolution of mankind. This includes constant critical references to the God of the Old Testament. The New Age movement states vehemently that no single religion has what it calls a monopoly on truth. In particular, the New Age utterly rejects the central doctrine of Biblical Christianity,namely that man is fallen, an abject sinner in the eyes of God, and that he must repent and be cleansed of his sins. The New Age completely and utterly rejects the need for a Redeemer.

Planet Earth is a living entity

17. The planet is a living organism which is highly sensitive to man’s state of consciousness. Man must learn to live in harmony with Nature or Gaia. Actions which harm the planet must be restrained and the people responsible re-educated or eliminated through population control and eugenics. Over-population is a really serious threat to the planet and must be tackled as a matter of urgency. Unless their numbers are kept under control, humans are nothing but parasites and a great danger to the planet’s delicate eco-system.

All life is evolving

18. Everything is evolving. Mankind evolved from lower organisms under the direction of the Cosmic intelligence. The universe itself is evolving.

Aliens and UFOs are real

19. There are intelligent life-forms on other planets. Some are more evolved than mankind. Some are friendly and some are unfriendly. The more highly evolved,friendly aliens will contact earth in due course when mankind has reached the necessary level of spiritual maturity or when a crisis of such grave proportions arises that direct intervention is necessary.

Love is ALL

20. All is LOVE. Men must set aside judgment and intolerance and embrace the principle of divine love. Religions only divide and separate people. The whole of mankind should convert to the universal religion of divine love. This is the divine plan. And since it is the will of the Supreme Being, anyone who resists it will be left behind. They won’t be able to evolve any further.

Psychotropic Drugs

21. The discriminating use of drugs and mind-altering chemicals is permitted, and even desirable at times, as a means of opening one’s consciousness.

Abortion is an ethical choice and a human right

22. The human body is just a receptacle for soul. A woman can abort a fetus at anytime since she is only destroying the receptacle. The soul of the unborn child knew in advance that the woman would do this and had agreed to the experience. [Born-again Christians know that abortion is actually a form of child sacrifice.]

Homosexual behavior is an ethical choice and a human right

23. Sex is only for pleasure and should not be linked fundamentally to procreation.What two consenting adults do in the privacy of the bedroom is their own business.Homosexuality is normal for some people, either genetically or as a lifestyle choice.

Divorce is an ethical choice and a human right

24. Since humans are evolving spiritually, partners in marriage may not always possess a compatible state of consciousness. Thus a marriage may dissolve because of such changes. Divorce is normal, a human right. It is the karma of the children affected to be born into such a family. Sometimes two people may marry for only a very short time to work out some shared karma from a mutual past life.

Transcending the little self and emptying one’s mind

25. Everyone should meditate/contemplate daily and empty his or her mind. Union with the Force can be achieved only by setting aside one’s ‘little self’ and merging with the greater cosmic consciousness. This takes self-discipline. New Agers are encouraged to invite the Force into their lives and allow it to direct them.

The Inner Guide or Ascended Master

26. The individual should learn to contact his inner master or spiritual guide through meditation, contemplation and dreams. One’s inner guide is an Ascended Master or an angelic being appointed by such a master to guide the individual and assist him in his spiritual evolution (unfoldment).

The Outer Master or Guru

27. A guru can help one make better contact with the Inner Master. He takes the place of God in one’s life and provides divine direction and instruction. He also gives the true initiation, as well as further, more advanced initiations as one unfolds into greater levels of consciousness. A guru can also help the individual work through his karma.

Recalling past lives

28. The recall of past lives is a sign of greater unfoldment. The Masters can recall all of their past incarnations. The practice of recalling one’s past lives will assist with the resolution of past life karma. Some of this recall occurs in the dream state. Less unfolded souls may need hypnosis to help them recall their past lives.

Communication with the Dead

29. The dead can be contacted through dreams, through mediumship or through out-of-body travel. They dwell temporarily in one of many levels of heaven, such as the Astral Plane, until it is time for them to reincarnate again. The heaven they dwell in is determined by their level of consciousness and their spiritual unfoldment.

The Divine Feminine

30. The masculine principle, by itself, is dangerous and unbalanced. Man must learn to contact the eternal feminine, the Goddess principle, if he is to unfold spiritually.Soul is neither male nor female but an androgynous being. Goddess worship is a key feature of many New Age groups.

Dreams and Out-of-Body Experiences

31. Out-of-body experiences are natural by-products of human evolution. The more evolved a soul is, the further it can travel into the higher (inner) worlds while still living here on earth. Some of this occurs in one’s dreams. Dreams are imperfectly remembered experiences outside of the human body. New Agers are encouraged to meet their spiritual guides in their dreams and to follow their instructions. Many dreams are symbolic and need to be interpreted.

Energy Medicine

32. The New Age emphasizes the use of ‘energy medicine’ and techniques for adjusting the body’s so-called energy fields. The human aura is influenced by one’s thoughts and may be seen and diagnosed by a psychically qualified person.

The Christian Bible is a man made artifact

33. No book can hold all of truth. All scripture is purely relative, written by fallible men working from a limited state of consciousness. The Bible is nothing but history and poetry. Jesus was a good man, a lower-level Master who tried to show the world that everyone becomes Christ by following the path of peace and tolerance.

Christ is a state of consciousness

34. Christ is not a person but a state of consciousness. Jesus had the Christ consciousness but so too had many other religious teachers, such as Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Zoroaster, Muhammad, St Francis of Assisi, Ramakrishna, and so forth. There are higher states beyond the Christ consciousness.

Truth is given by the Masters

35. As mankind unfolds, more of the truth is given by one of the Ascended Masters through written works channelled by qualified human authors. These are dictated on the inner planes and recorded by the spiritually receptive author for transmission to mankind.

All religions are valid

36. All religions are valid and possess some portion of truth. One must be tolerant and accepting of all religious traditions and viewpoints. The Supreme Being has created many different religions to cater to the many levels of consciousness among mankind. Any religion which claims to have a ‘monopoly’ on truth is deemed intolerant and possibly harmful to the evolution of the planet.

Emerging Church Characteristics:

source: Robert Pye, The New Age Movement is Designed to Destroy True Biblical Christianity