Sunday 10 May 2020

HR 6666

HR 6666 introduced on May 1 - the 9th anniversary of OBL supposedly being killed (shot dead @ 20:00 UTC, May 1). 

May 1 is international communist May Day and Beltane Fire Festival high holy day of paganism. The day they celebrate with fire and burning.

As is the case with those who worship Moloch and did their worst on 9-11-01.

116th Congress

President Trump released the Ukraine funds that he was impeached over on 9-11-19.

Last COVID-19 Stimulus paper checks go out on 9-11-2020, the 19th anniversary of 911.

We are continually being warned about "waves" of infection.

In reality this means that different strains will be released in phases.

There were two strains released in Wuhan and one was far more lethal.  

I suspect that this far more lethal variant will be released within the United States in the September 2020 time-frame.

I hope that I am wrong.

911 is tied to 666. 

Look at this article dated May 1, 2011 detailing the timeline of the hoaxed OBL assassination: 
11:06 a.m. The Associated Press reports: "Two Obama administration officials say DNA evidence has proven that Osama bin Laden is dead, with 99.9 percent confidence. 

"The officials did not immediately say where or how the testing was done but the test explains why President Barack Obama was confident to announce the death to the world Sunday night." 
11:06 AM 

Flip it and it becomes 90:11.


But there is more: "dead, with 99.9 percent confidence...."

"99.9".....flip that

Satan (as used by God) destroyed the two temples on the 9th of Av. The third temple (the living body of Christ) has stood for 2,000 years. Satan has been attempting to destroy the third temple since its creation. 


I am not 100% convinced of the Biblical authority of the Book of Revelation. But there is only one other reason for its existence and persistence: it could be Satan's attempt to overwrite Christ's words on the Mount of Olives. If this is the case, then he will certainly try to fulfill it. But he fails.

Christ, in his Sermon on the Mount tells us that the world falls into chaos and the nations are perplexed. No one has any answers in Jesus' account on the end of the age. Jesus tells us nothing about any beast rising up nor any world government. It might happen, but it is no more important to Bible prophecy than anything else that has happened and that is also not mentioned in the Bible and for this purpose I exclude Revelation from "the Bible."

I tend to believe that TPTB are trying to implement global government and the mark, but I think God throws it down before it gets off the ground (just like he did with one of Eloi Muck's rockets). But I am not counting the mark out. Still looking for it and warning about it. And remember that those who take it truly believe in it and they believe in and love the "beast."